A morality based on pleasing God is like money made for pleasing corporate Shareholders. In both situations morality and money shift from being the means of achieving a civil, prosperous human society, to being the ends, that society must serve no matter the human costs. The morality of God requires human sacrifice, so the Christian would have us believe, and shareholders require ever more money, even if they have to sacrifice their own children to get it. Both obsessions see human beings as simply the means of serving deities with appetites that are equally infinite. Shareholders are obviously an amoral group, for their sole focus is one thing and one thing only – increasing share price. They are generally unconcerned with the costs to human life in the process, unless those costs negatively impact their share price through bad publicity. The point of a company is not to foster security or a sense of community, after all, but to make a lean, mean, economic machine tha...