One of the things Christian's love to give as gifts - especially to non-Christians - is books on Christianity. My own family, for example, does this all the time. And as my own belief in their religious views changed, they were only motivated to give me even more books on Christianity. But give them a single book on atheism to read - indeed, even if it is a book you yourself wrote! - and they will altogether ignore it, convinced that they know everything they need to know - amen. This double standard should not be surprising, since Christians are, by virtue of their very beliefs, seduced by their own power of self deception. While I have read a countless number of book by C.S. Lewis, G.K.Chesterton, and other Christian writers, it is safe to say that the vast majority of Christians have never bothered to read a single book written by an atheist about Christianity or atheism. Mind you, they've probably read lots of books by Christians like C.S. Lewis about atheism, but such ...