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Showing posts from August, 2019
People who believe in authoritarian systems - be they religious, economic, or political -  always think they have the authority to act like the authoritarian in whose stead they are quite convinced they are acting so authoritatively; and all because they have it on good authority that they can, and must, less they be tortured for all eternity for failing to do so without asking too many of the wrong kind of questions.

A Prayer to "God" from an Athiest

An economic religion is one based not on the amount of poverty it is directly or indirectly responsible for creating and spreading far and wide, which of course should be the only criterion by which all religions are most pragmatically judged, but on how well it can sell the majority of a population the fantasy that they may one day become rich, even if the majority of the people within such a system have a far better chance of winning the lottery than they do of ever becoming rich.  Instead, we focus not on how much poverty is accumulating on the bottom, both physically and  mentally, but on an ever growing Everest of wealth which builds up like a festering dung heap in Ghenna, which only casts a darker and darker shadow over all of life on the planet. This is especially true when you consider that the inflationary nature of money means two things: 1) that "being rich" is not a fixed price point, but one that continually increases with compound interest  ...
Summary of the Last Supper and Christianity in general: Jesus got sauced with his drinking buddies one night and told them all to "eat me," and Christians have been dutifully doing both ever since.   
Christians think that the world would be a much better place if everyone just converted to Christianity. The Christian forgets of course, as if they were commanded by their God to do so, that the Protestant reformation results in an incredible amount of bloodshed across Europe over the course of centuries, when there were only two versions of Christianity: Catholicism (which came in two flavors: The Roman and Eastern Orthodox) and Protestantism. Today, there's more than 40,000, each of which insists it is the only right one, and for the simple reason that their God never told them that they were wrong.

The Myth of Money and the Myth of Religion are Two Sides of the Same Myth (Part I)

 Here is an exert from  David Graeber's excellent book Debt: The First 5000 Years, p.75-83, that explains how Nietzsche was only insane, to the same degree of his perception of how insane the world really was, when you think about it; it's just that most people not only don't want to think about it, which is why his own curiosity stuck out like a sore thumb in a room full of pinkies, but prefer not to.  And trust me, I don't blame them a bit!  What Graeber explains below, with the help of the brilliant insights of Nietzsche, also explains how the "religion" of Christianity for the poor, became the religion of the money changers in the temple of Goldman Sachs. And in an interesting parallel we see today in the world, to that of the Original Twelve Tribes of Israel, is that the reasons the Ten Northern Tribes opposed the building of the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, are the very same reasons why all but maybe as much as 10% of the world's popul...
Jesus was not a man, nor is he a "god," but simply the anthropomorphic persona of truth, which has only ever been the opposite of, and thus the eternal enemy to, all organized religious "belief" systems, be they theistic, political, economic, scientific, or pseudo scientific.   And like Jesus, anyone who dares to speak this truth, always ends up being crucified by those true "believers" who worship more than anything else, their complete emotional and psychological dependence, not to their "gods," but to their sacred "beliefs" which they have turned into their gods, and worship with every breath of their life like a golden calf. 
A person who simply chooses to "believe" in a religion or a particular brand of "god," has no more "free will" to choose what they think about anything else, than a stone thrown through the air has the ability to alter the course of its trajectory.

What is Religion?

Consider this response to prof. R's claim below, which I lifted from the following article: "Professor Vilayanur Ramachandran, the neuroscientist who delivered this year's Reith lectures, told the BBC that patients who suffered seizures often had intense mystical experiences like St Paul's. He argued, however, that this did not rule out a divine role. "If God exists and he is interacting with us humans, he could have put an antenna in your brain to be sensitive to him or her," he said. But Canon Tom Wright, a leading theologian who regularly advises the BBC, said that there was "no shred of evidence whatsoever" for the claims." I can think of nothing more ironic, and certainly nothing more hypocritical, than for a person who simply chooses to "believe" in a God, for which there is absolutely "no shred of eviden...
The Christian faith in God is purely a selfish interest in saving one's soul from eternal damnation more than anything else. And this should be plainly obvious. For although any parent, of any species of animal, would instinctively sacrifice them self to save their child from death, what Christian would willingly accept eternal damnation in order to save that same child from such a fate?  Indeed, while martyrdom has always been for the Christian a way of serving the greater glory of God, not a single Christian alive would ever even consider the idea of serving the greater glory of God by accepting eternal damnation, even if that was what their own sacred Jesus asked them to do, not even to save their own children from such a fate.
Capitalism is a religion that teaches that heaven belongs to the greatest charlatans of all, and hell is where the “true believer” works for their salvation by being an obedient slave to their great lord and master - the money changers.

What is Religion?

The Christian religion is a purely subjective emotional experience which is worshiped by countless numbers of people around the world as if it were a completely objective fact of reality, one that everyone on the planet must accept and conform to, or suffer eternal torture for daring to doubt.  Christianity, which sells a very specific brand of God to its (literal) consumers, teaches people to fall in love with a father figure that will only "save" them from eternal tortures that He alone is responsible for creating, if they agree to become hooked on the heroin of His Holy Spirit, and thus completely dependent upon Him for literally everything - especially their fix - their entire life.  If a father did this to their own child, however, Christians would not only throw such a dad in prison for life but many might even call for the death penalty as well. They then turn around and worship such a "Dad" in their religion, even though that same "Father in ...
There are an infinite number of ways that a person can convince themselves of something they want to believe and only one way learn about and accept the truth.
 Walk through a field of grass and you are a god to everything that lives in the soil. Walk through the jungles or the mountains and you are a microbe living in the flash of a planet. Pray to a god, and you converse with a higher ideation of yourself. Follow a religion, and you become the livestock of the Pharaohs.
All truth necessarily fosters independence, both of thought and of the self, while all religions only foster dependence upon the claims of religion, in order to assure the survival of the religion itself. 
 Religion is simply a method of rationalizing the things we do in anger as acts of justice. And the reason Religion has such trouble with science, is because Religion is  the very opposite of a method of investigation that attempts to understand anything and everything there is to understand; an investigation that can only start honestly when a person admits there is no such thing as a divine yard stick by which all are measured, and especially by any church or religion claiming a god given authority to apply it, with all the omniscience of divine infallibility. 
The road to enlightenment leads to a head full of ideas and a pocket full of nothing. But maybe a truly original idea can only come from a pocket full of nothing.