I am with you, you men and women of a generation, and know how it is. Walt Whitman If everyone in the world today seems to be running around screaming like chicken little that the sky is falling, do not forget a simple lesson to be taken from it all: more than ever before in history, this is your day. Do not fear it or turn away. Rather, embrace it, for it is here to teach you some hard lessons about life, but they are the most important lessons there are, if ever you hope to understand the truth of the world you are destined to inherit, lessons that most people spend their lifetime trying to gloss over, escape, hide from, and deny. The world has not suddenly become a wasteland devoid of hope and possibility, even though the nightly news so often seems to only trumpet such a narrative from the rooftops. Despite what may often feel like an overwhelming fixation on how the world is coming to an abrupt and ugly end tomorrow night, six o'clock sharp, the times you li...