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Showing posts from January, 2020
Religion is a socially celebrated form of schizophrenia, one that people are conditioned to grow into with the bribe of eternal pleasures and the threat of eternal torture, so that people can be domesticated to attack whoever their "God" or their masters tell them to.
All concepts of hell, purgatory, and indeed merciful forgiveness from “God” are based on a “belief” that people willfully refuse to understand such a god, even though it is that same god who willfully refuses to ever show himself in anyway, shape, or form, to such people, and all so he will have plenty of hotdogs for his divine cookouts.
Diversity of knowledge is a cancer to dogmatism. But when dogmatism is held sacred: Anyone who dies for your dogmatism is Jesus Christ. Anyone who dies for someone else’s dogmatism is Satan. And anyone who dies without dogmatism is an unblemished lamb of God.
The idea that God created humans that would eventually refuse to obey His commands and was then so personally offended by this disobedience that he could only forgive us for doing so by having us murder his only begotten son, is like me making a computer that I know isn’t going to work for very long and then being so personally offended by the fact it stops working properly, exactly as I knew it would, that I feel the only way I can forgive it for not being perfect anyway is to torture and murder my goldfish and then commemorate the event every week by eating fish crackers.

The eternal pizza oven

If god is the only god, then him getting angry at his “children” for believing in a different god that does not exist is like a parent threatening to burn their child for eternity for being a schizophrenic. Worse than that, that “only god” - who deliberately hides from all scientific investigation or verification, and who often refuses to answer the pleas and cries of his children no matter how much they suffer (even if at the hands of his own church) - commands his children to love him unconditionally (i.e. That is He commands us to cure our self of our spiritual schizophrenia) by believing he sacrificed his only son for us (even if he had to have us do the sacrificing for him). And if we don’t, he threatens to throw us into his eternal pizza oven.
Believers love their brands of “God” only as much as they hate  anything that has to do with God. And out of love and obedience to defend the former they joyfully crucify the latter.
On a planet this full of lies, Suicide is the only true salvation. That’s why Jesus killed himself. Christians call it martyrdom even though all Jesus really wanted was to get the hell away from Christians.