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Showing posts from May, 2020

With Liberty & Justice for Some or for All?

The past is the present rolled out for understanding, and the present is the past rolled up for action. Will Durant Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death outside of her apartment building in the early hours of March 13, 1964, right across the street from where she lived in Kew Gardens, Queens, in New York City. A week later, a story came out that 37 people, who were in their apartments at the time directly across the street, witnessed the attack, but none of them wanted to get too involved by picking up a phone and calling the police. Since the attacker then fled and returned later to finish the job, the two attacks occurred over the span of 30 minutes, the second ending Kitty’s life. If anyone had picked up the phone , she would have survived. But they didn't. It would later turn out that the news story that reported this yarn to the public was in fact inaccurate, but it nevertheless became part of the lore of our society, one of fiction based on facts. That lore s...

A House Divided Cannot Stand, Because it Cannot Breathe

A house divided cannot stand Abraham Lincoln If the story of Jesus Christ teaches us anything it's that people hate the truth. But m ake no mistake about it: in truth, America i s and has always been, a house divided, despite an overwhelming devotion to denying this is true. Just ask any Native American that ha s managed to survi ve our little " experiment in democracy."  And it was designed that way, on purpose.    E veryone through out history who has attempted to draw attention to this infallible truth, from Fredrick Douglas to Harriet Beecher Sto we to Martin Luther King to even Colin Kaepernick , has been attacked for failing to express it in a way that is acceptable to those who enjoy the lux ury of not having to worry about whether it is true or not.  A nd rather than address the reality of such truth, the conversation is always reframed and refocus ed on statistics, which Mark Tw ain aptly de scribed as "damned lies. Such reframi...
If a “belief” has ever been used to cause any form of suffering - be it physical, psychological, or emotional - It becomes immoral to continue to believe it is true. And if the only evidence being offered is the written testimony of countess numbers of people, which is by far the least reliable evidence there is, which has been rewritten countess numbers of times over thousands of years, and always by people who engage in genocide because they heard voices telling them to do so, from the Amalekites  to the American Indians, it is not only immoral, it is the blasphemy of truth itself.
What people lack in intellectual capacity to understand they make up for in emotional hostility. And what people lack in emotional empathy they make up for in intellectual hostility ... masquerading as a conviction, or a sacred tradition, or love for one brand of ideas or another, as if we are all computers that must operate according to a single divinely written operating system, and stopped from being allowed to program our own operating system however we like.
Christians think they deserve to win heaven for living in fear of God their entire life. That’s why heaven has to exist; To make up for everything they had to give up while on earth, which made life such hell.  You know, things like bacon, and beef bar-b-ques on Fridays for a month every year.