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Showing posts from June, 2020
Respecting Donald Trump simply because he America's president is like respecting a pig because it's wearing a dress.

How Religion Makes You Suffer for God

The miracle of Religion is how it blinds "believers" from accepting responsibility for the suffering they alone are responsible for. They do this by passing off the responsibility for that suffering to their "God," while blaming the victims who are forced to suffer under the yoke of that delusion for bringing it upon themselves, through their own free will. Note the epitome of hypocrisy in doing this: for the victims suffer because they freely chose not to believe in a particular brand of "God," of which there are thousands, while the perpetrators who inflict that suffering have no other choice but to do so, according to them, because they are too terrified to consider they could ever be wrong; because they are too terrified to consider that life is only precious because it is finite, and ends at the coffin door.  However much "believers" wish and work to deny this simple infallible truth, religion produces far more suffering and damage in t...
The same people who support the murdering of people to protect property vote for people who designed the system that murders people for profit, from war and fancy prescription drugs to the war on drugs. Because we value profit and property more than people, the only ones who are allowed to destroy property are the ones who do so when they are killing people for destroying property.