Here is a simple example of the difference between theism and atheism. One looks at the world through the lens of a 4000 year old "belief," and the other through the modern lens of scientific understanding. To understand the difference between how the two lens shape and color what we see as "true," we have to understand the difference between Viagra and the fertility god Priapus, protector of fruit plants and male genitalia. The former does through science what the latter does through miracles. As any veteran of the battles with terrorism knows, one way to win those battles is by first winning allies to the cause. To do that, US intelligence officers in Afghanistan frequently visited rural territories to gain the assistance of tribal chiefs against the Taliban. These interactions are challenging because the leaders are often unwilling to help, owing to a dislike of Westerners, a fear of Taliban retribution, or both. On one such visit, a Central Intelligence Agenc...