Christianity is a religion of violence, death, and pure is evil beyond compare. My brother is a Catholic priest who believes God can slaughter anyone he wants. Women, children, babies, old grandmothers, you name it. That means he can too, if God so commands him. Sin is not breaking the commandments, as he sees it, it's disobeying God. So if God says kill, he will kill with joy in his heart. why? Because God created life, so my brother “believes,” so God can uncreate it too. And if God wants to uncreate life by having his chosen people slaughter unbelievers the way Moses told half of his followers to slaughter the other half, my brother is only too happy to kill to secure his seat in heaven and avoid a trip to hell for failing to obey. My brother insists also that this “belief” is not just a belief, but a fact. And because it is a fact, if He feels that God has called him to begin slaughtering unbelievers, he will do it, with glee, for his “beliefs” are like h...