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Stonestreet, Prager, & Huckabee: Liars for Christ

John Stonestreet is a Christian apologist who seems to believe that anyone who’s not a Christian is destined to go on a shooting spree or join a terrorist group. This is ironic, of course, since most "terrorist groups" are filled with religious fanatics like Stonestreet himself. Stonestreet "believe" this is true, however, because, as far as he’s concerned, secularism is a kind of societal insanity that inevitably turns people into homicidal maniacs. Like believing a vow of clerical celibacy magically turns priests into pedophiles or pederasts, the sheer ridiculousness of such a claim makes it hard to take seriously. But that hasn’t stopped Stonestreet and other Christian fanatics from repeatedly making such claims nevertheless.  For them, the problem with the world today is that "secular society is a curse," as Dennis Prager put it, because “life is meaningless if there's no God." Ironically, the only people who agree with Stonestreet and Prager just happen to be terrorists.

In his article "Pop Nihilism and the Allure of ISIS: When Materialism’s Promise Proves Empty," Stonestreet condemns, "the materialistic salvation sold to us," which "promises to fill the … hole in our hearts ... with stuff." The “meaningless of (this) secular salvation,” he explains, leads some people to become “bored," and others to “become angry, even murderous." To prove his point, he offers the examples of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, who killed 13 people at Columbine High School, and T.J. Lane, a 19-year-old who shot to death three high school students in 2012. According to Stonestreet, the "emptiness of Western materialism" not only poisoned the hearts of Klebold, Harris, and Lane - who, he feels the need to point out, “were not Muslim”-  it also prompted "two beautiful teenage girls from Austria, aged 15 and 16,” to become “burka-wearing recruiters for the terror group known as ISIS."

  Hence, Stonestreet and Prager beilieve the problem with America is that we have failed to keep God in public schools, and forced children across this great land to all subscribe to Christianity, whether such a religion makes any sense or not, and regardless of whether those children want to become Christian or not. The reason they claim that God needs to be kept in our schools, was once explained this way:
  Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith. from our point of view as representatives of the state, we need believing people. (-Hitler, [quoted from Helmreich, p.241])

It just so happens that it was Hitler who happened to so agree with Stonestreet and Prager, and as we shall see, Reverend Mike Huckabee.

In addition to his channeling of the Fuhrer's ideas about religion, Stonestreet's assessment likewise illustrates a double standard currently employed by some Conservative Christians today. That double standard comes from those who scoff at the suggestion that a lack of educational resources in poor communities contributes to criminal behavior, while at the same time declaring that the lack of God in the classroom contributes to shootings like Columbine. In the former situation, blame is focused not on the environment but on the individual who committed the crime, regardless of their financial disadvantages or lack of educational resources.  In the latter situation, however, blame is focused less on the shooter - who is often just dismissed as "crazy" anyway - and more on detrimental effects of a an increasingly 'godless-society' on perfectly normal Americans. By shifting focus in this way, The Stonestreet's and Prager's of the world, conveniently shift the ultimate responsibility for such horrors from those who perpetrate them within schools, to all those who allowed the removal of God from schools. The only problem with such a claim, besides the fact that it uses the corpses of every such tragedy as a soap box to sell a particular brand of the Christian God, is that  the God  such claims rely  on was never removed from public schools in the first place. 

The Supreme Court case that people like Rev. Mike Huckabee allege “removed God from our schools” was Engel v. Vitale( 370 U.S. 421 (1962)). Yet Despite the claims of Huckabee and others, this case did not ban school prayer. It simply forbade the state of New York from reciting an official prayer at the start of each school day. People were still perfectly free to pray in school, of course, both individually or in groups. A year later, on June 17, 1963 Abington Township School District v. Schempp (which was consolidated with Murray v. Curlett), 374 U.S. 203 (1963) declared that school-sponsored Bible reading in public schools in the United States was unconstitutional. Again, this case did not prohibit Bible reading in public schools; it simply prohibited the school itself from officially sponsoring such reading.  As Charles C. Haynes of the First Amendment Center wrote, the ruling required “that teachers and administrators neither promote nor denigrate religion,” thus fostering “a commitment to state neutrality that protects the religious freedom of students of all faiths and no faith.”[i]

Claiming that these cases “removed God from our schools” only demonstrates how some Christians think advancing their religion is a moral imperative, even if they have to lie to do it. In a previous attempt to scare people into a belief in Christianity, for example, Huckabee used this same lie to explain the mass shooting of kindergarten students in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Talk Show host Steve Deace took that lie even further, claiming that the Sandy Hook massacre happened because “children are taught that there is no God, and thus no real purpose to their lives.”  What both Hucabee and Deace failed to mention, however, was that Adam Lanza, the person responsible for the Sandy Hook shooting, was not the product of a public school system  that was prohibited from using tax payer money to promote a particular religion. Instead, Lanza attended St. Rose of Lima Catholic School in Newtown before being home-schooled by his mother, an ardent Christian and avid gun enthusiast.

On the one hand, such claims falsely suggest that mass shootings did not occur before these cases, or after these cases at schools where God was force fed to children too young to defend their own minds from such emotional manipulation. Both suggestions are untrue, of course. In fact, the deadliest school-related massacre in American history happened in 1927, at an elementary school in Bath, Michigan. There, Andrew Kehoe, upset over a burdensome property tax, wired the building with dynamite and set it off on the morning of May 18, killing 38 children and 7 others. What's more, a number of shootings have happened in religious schools and even churches.  

In April of 2012, for example, 7 people were killed at a Korean Christian college in Oakland, California. In August of that same year, 6 more people were killed and 4 wounded when Wade Michael Page opened fired at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. In October, 2006, Charles Carl Roberts killed 5 young girls and injured 6 others at an Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In March of 2005, Terry Michael Ratzmann killed 9 people at a Living Church of God meeting in Brookfield, Wisconsin, and in September of 1999, Larry Gene Ashbrook opened fire on a Christian teen prayer rally at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, killing 7. 

On the other hand, such claims also assert that, without God, people have “no real purpose to their lives.” As Stonestreet puts it, “nearly every commercial message tells us that … there’s nothing beyond the immediate gratification of this world to live for.” First of all, I've never seen a commercial that actually claims - explicitly or implicitly - that "there's nothing beyond the immediate gratification of this world to live for" (unless it happens to be in the superfine print that can only be read with a bionic eye.)

Second, the list of people whose ‘lives have no purpose,’ according to these ministers of Pop-Christian propaganda, include Stephen Hawking, Alan Turing, the chemist whose work helped discover the double helix structure of DNA, Rosalind Franklin, Thomas Edison, theoretical physicist Peter Higgs, Warren Buffet, George Carlin, Bruce Lee, Mick Jagger, and for most of his life, even Mark Zuckerberg.  If their lives are representative of what it means to “have no purpose,” then the rest of us can only hope to be so lucky. Also, such a statement further assumes that working for a better world, peace on earth, feeding the hungry, curing the sick, clothing the naked, providing shelter for the homeless, and just generally helping others, only qualifies as a genuine “purpose” in life if and when it is done for a belief in God - and basically for no other reason, apparently.  The people on the above list, in other words, since they did what they did for some reason other than the glorification of God, therefore deserve to rot in hell for all eternity. And while these atheists find their purpose in life by having the courage and wherewithal to design it for themselves, Christian diehards like Stonestreet  and Huckabee apparently find their own purpose in life by criticizing others for doing what they are apparently unable to do for themselves.



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