As yourself a simple question: which belief makes a person more humble - the belief that we evolved from monkeys, and that we are therefore no more special or different from every other living thing on the planet, or the belief that we were made by God, and that the entire universe was created specifically with you in mind? Religious believers often insist that that only be believing that the most powerful God imaginable created the entire universe, can we be truly humble. Even though such a belief leads us to the conclusion that everything other living thing on the planet is ours to do with as we please. This belief that we humans are somehow special, because God gave only our species a soul, lead one writer to explain it this way: To every other species on the planet, we are the Nazi's. And yet, somehow, our "benevolent" God, made it all for us anyway. Fuck the suffering of other animals - they're just animals after all. Sort of like how the Germans described t...