If there is a God at all, there is probably no greater sin a person can commit agaisnt him than to claim to "know" him better than anyone and everyone else. Yet such claims are the very heart of every religion, which is why religions themselves are no doubt the very apple offered to Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden, and why every person who claims to have some special knowledge of God, is no better than a serpent. Indeed, it was for seeking to obtain such forbidden knowledge that humanity is now said to be accursed with the stain of "original sin."
To claim that God would create all people as equals, and then grant to some of those people a greater knowledge of Himself than to others, in a world where the eternal soul of every single person depends necessarily and exclusively upon such knowledge for its salvation, is not only to deny that God created everyone as equal, but to insist that God "intelligently designed" the world in such a way, that a majority would have to trust - not God - but a "chosen" minority who had been given a special knowledge that God had chosen to deny everyone else.
Such an arraignment would necessarily mean that God intended that some men should have power over others, for the former would be given inside information that the latter required to save their soul from the eternal flames of hell, and all because this is what God so desired. But where in any holy scriptures does it say that God wanted to communicate everything about himself to all of humanity, through a "chosen" few, or through select special "prophets" to whom he would grant exclusive access to such knowledge, and to whom the rest would necessarily have to trust and wholly depend?
What should make this only all the more obvious is the fact that all those who claim to be the messengers of God so often disagree about both the nature of that "one" God as well as His message. In contrast, when the majority of people in the world were more polytheistic in their "beliefs" about God and gods, it was much harder for any one person to proclaim to have some special message from one particular god that all of humanity necessarily needed to listen to, and subsequently obey.
It was only with the rise of the idea that one god was greater than all of the rest, which eventually evolved into the idea that there was only ever one God to begin with, that any person or group of people could proclaim to "know" something special about that God that the rest of the world did not, but needed to pay attention to. And this was only possible with the development of both numeracy and literacy, since both numbers and the written word did not exist for most of human history.
Indeed, what greater act of human hubris and vanity could there be, then to assume that ten thousand years of shared "tradition" and knowledge," which amounts to less than a millisecond in the span of eternity, was adequate enough for some people to presume to know a God that is said by all to be as eternal as "he" is infinite? And yet this is exactly what every priest and pope presumes, and what every person who is gullible enough to "believe" such people are guilty of. Hence, if there is any such thing as God at all, then there is no doubt that "man-made" religion is the brainchild of the devil himself, and all those who profane the former by their love of the latter, will no doubt one day be called to answer for it.
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