The difference between Santa Claus and our parents is the same difference between God and our parents, for it is our parents who actually give us gifts, including the gift of life, but we are supposed to “believe” they are merely facilitators of such transactions.
I can think of no greater way of dishonoring one’s parents, and thus breaking the 5th “commandment,” then in giving the respect and appreciation they deserve to either an imaginary glutinous hermit who plays with toys all year long, or a deity who strokes his own ego by “commanding” that he be thanked for what others do.
I can think of no greater way of dishonoring one’s parents, and thus breaking the 5th “commandment,” then in giving the respect and appreciation they deserve to either an imaginary glutinous hermit who plays with toys all year long, or a deity who strokes his own ego by “commanding” that he be thanked for what others do.
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