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Showing posts from February, 2019
"Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems." In a way, history, properly understood, demonstrates that this pretty much defines the relationship of all human beings, past, present, and future. But we don't believe that, because we don't see it.  So we believe instead that we are all connected by proxy, and that proxy is God. And that God blames us for killing his own son, so he could forgive us for eating an apple. And the only way we can ever hope to love each other, is by first loving God, which is why we join religions that teach us that to love that God, we must treat all those who refuse to believe in our sacred version of him, as if they were the devil.  Because by failing to "believe...
Peace is the necessary by-product of sharing, caring, and understanding, and war is only ever the result of selfishness, apathy, and ignorance, which is why wars are always waged in the false flags of justice, freedom, and enlightenment, masquerading as religions of science, economics, and divine revelation.  
It is impossible to truly "love" someone, let alone a "God," when it is not only required that you do so by law, but if you don't you'll be tortured forever for failing to do so.  But what kind of God - what kind of father - is so desperate for our "love" - which is a love that is only as failed and fickle as we are (just think of  the rates of divorce and infidelity) - that he makes it a law for us to do so, "with all our heart," and failure to do so will result in no less than eternal fiery tortures? More importantly, however, is the question of why the absolute absurdity of such an idea, upon which the entire edifice of Christian "belief" necessarily rests, causes not a single Christian to reconsider their devotion to such a psychopathic "father, who art in Heaven."   Never mind that, if God is truly as infinite and eternal as Christians claim, and we in contrast are as flawed and imperfect as Christians insis...
I have never understood how people only ever really talk about a “God” in terms that are so clearly human, which is like an ant talking about a human being in terms that are purely insect.
The person you marry is not just someone who you enjoy talking freely to about anything and everything, and likes talking about those same things just as much as you do, but someone who you enjoy being with the most, when neither of you is saying anything at all.
God wanted to found a religion when he came to Earth as Jesus Christ, so the Christian would have you believe, even though that god has the omniscience to know it would be used to impose, commit, justify, and conceal, many of the greatest evils in the world and throughout history. And what’s more, the Christian worships this same God, who wants us to prove our love for him by killing and dying for Christisnity if need be, despite how often it has been used to impose,commit, justify, or conceal many of the greatest evils in the world and throughout history. And despite being the most powerful god there is or ever was, even powerful enough to make the universe out of nothing, the Bible - by far the most cryptically rewritten book in history, which is why it is so celebrated as divine - is the best he could He do to communicate to humanity what we all must do to save our souls from being thrown into the eternal hell, he keeps forever burning in his basement.

Blood of God

A person who is taught to believe that they should feel guilty for having committed a sin, which is what the concept of "original sin" is meant to convey to Christians, is condemned to the hell of forever needing someone to forgive them for being a sinner. And in order to cope with this deep suffering, they imagine they are all like Christ, and scold anyone who doesn't see things their way, for making them "suffer" for their beliefs. And by doing so, they turn the water of suffering for their beliefs into the wine of their religion, and celebrate by drinking the blood of their God.
The reason he showed up 2000 years ago is because the only way Jesus could get anyone to listen to what he had to say today is by being ostentatiously wealthy or a serial killer.
When Patricia Krenwinkle committed unspeakable evil for Charles Manson in 1969, using a butcher knife to slaughter Sharon Tate and her unborn child, Rosemary LaBianca and several others,  she said she did all of this out of a desperate need to be loved. But isn't this basically the same motivation for, and indeed the justification offered by, everyone who believes in God as well? Isn't that the whole point of Abraham trying to sacrifice his only son Isaac to God, by acting like an obedient slave or pet, trying to show his "owner" that he loves God more than even his own son? If a person was to do that with his own dog, after all, would we not lock them up for committing a crime? Such a God loves me in the same way of Michael Vick loves dogs.
When Adam ate the forbidden apple a man became a god, and when Jesus Christ was born, a God became a man. Ergo, Christianity is basically the story of a slugfest between a Man-god and a God-man. Put another way, Christianriy is the story of how religion turned a Saturday morning cartoon into Sunday morning worship.