It is impossible to truly "love" someone, let alone a "God," when it is not only required that you do so by law, but if you don't you'll be tortured forever for failing to do so.
But what kind of God - what kind of father - is so desperate for our "love" - which is a love that is only as failed and fickle as we are (just think of the rates of divorce and infidelity) - that he makes it a law for us to do so, "with all our heart," and failure to do so will result in no less than eternal fiery tortures?
More importantly, however, is the question of why the absolute absurdity of such an idea, upon which the entire edifice of Christian "belief" necessarily rests, causes not a single Christian to reconsider their devotion to such a psychopathic "father, who art in Heaven."
Never mind that, if God is truly as infinite and eternal as Christians claim, and we in contrast are as flawed and imperfect as Christians insist, then we have an infinitely less chance of ever understanding such a "being" than an amoeba has of ever understanding the Andromeda galaxy.
But what kind of God - what kind of father - is so desperate for our "love" - which is a love that is only as failed and fickle as we are (just think of the rates of divorce and infidelity) - that he makes it a law for us to do so, "with all our heart," and failure to do so will result in no less than eternal fiery tortures?
More importantly, however, is the question of why the absolute absurdity of such an idea, upon which the entire edifice of Christian "belief" necessarily rests, causes not a single Christian to reconsider their devotion to such a psychopathic "father, who art in Heaven."
Never mind that, if God is truly as infinite and eternal as Christians claim, and we in contrast are as flawed and imperfect as Christians insist, then we have an infinitely less chance of ever understanding such a "being" than an amoeba has of ever understanding the Andromeda galaxy.
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