The tree of debt, once planted like a stake through the heart of a society of people by the gods of greed and avarice, bears fruit for as long as the stake is allowed to remain, and what it extracts in profits from interest on that debt is what it consumes in pounds of blood and suffering from war and poverty. As such, war and poverty, which are but two expressions of the very same motives, are but the crosses we are taught to carry, for all those who volunteer to be the lambs of the very gods who planted that tree in the first place.Wealth is generated through the sacrifice of the poor, in other words, on the altar of the bottom line. And with the apple they sell us, they rhapsodize in mythologies of God and greatness of cause, and promise us we all have the very same chances they did, to one day become as wealthy as they are. In this sense Capitalism is simply the economic religion of believing this promise, which is preached in different guises from Milton Friedman to ...