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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Serpent in the Tree of Debt

The tree of debt, once planted like a stake through the heart of a society of people by the gods of greed and avarice, bears fruit for as long as the stake is allowed to remain, and what it extracts in profits from interest on that debt is what it consumes in pounds of blood and suffering from war and poverty.  As such, war and poverty, which are but two expressions of the very same motives, are but the crosses we are taught to carry, for all those who volunteer to be the lambs of the very gods who planted that tree in the first place.Wealth is generated through the sacrifice of the poor, in other words, on the altar of the bottom line. And with the apple they sell us, they rhapsodize in mythologies of God and greatness of cause, and promise us we all have the very same chances they did, to one day become as wealthy as they are. In this sense Capitalism is simply the economic religion of believing this promise, which is preached in different guises from Milton Friedman to ...
The Christian's hope for eternal paradise in the hereafter is of equal proportion to how hopeless they feel about the here and now.
A person’s faith in God is equal to their fear of humanity, which is why the love of one is always hatred of the other.
Sometimes I think I know exactly what I’m doing. Other times I worry I might be insane. And most of the time I can’t tell if there’s a difference.
We are the victims of other people’s beliefs. The poorest people in the world, for example, are the victims of that latest infallible priestly class, whom today more than anyone else controls all of the world’s resources, especially people, we call economists. And on the altar of their bottom line, the many are sacrificed like lambs for the dreams of avarice of the few. Consumerism, in this respect, is simply economic cannibalism.
Have you ever seen Saving Private Ryan? Well, for a lot of people everyday life is like that kind of a “beach.” And often for basically the same reasons.
A person’s faith in God is simply the reflection of that person's lack of faith in humanity. We love God, in other words, to the same degree we fear each other.
There is not a single person who has ever lived who has loved the Catholic Church for what it really is, but there are countless billions who mistakenly love what they have been duped into believing it is. And if Christians the world over we’re forced to choose between their religion and their Christ, they would prostrate themselves before the former, and demand the crucifixion of the latter.

The Man-Made Truth of 2+2=4

Our capacity to define a lie as a truth is equally as infinite as our ability to convince ourselves we are doing nothing of the sort. To illustrate the point, just consider the question,"Does 2+2 always equal 4?" Argue with a Christian about "truth" long enough, and it is highly likely they will eventually try to prove the existence of "objective truth" by asking this very question.  On the one hand, it has been demonstrated that, in fact, 2+2 does not  always  equal 4. It depends instead on what kinds of numbers we are using to process this equation, be they  nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio. On the other hand, the Christian apparently fails to see that they are offering as an example of "God made objective truth" something that human-beings are solely responsible for creating - namely, numbers themselves, and by extension the study of mathematics, which provides the basis for everything from chemistry to physics to economics an...
Religion is not only a masterful lie designed to control people by addicting them to a false sense of hope (only tentatively of course, since they're just as likely to end up in hell), it is also a gateway drug that addicts people to reveling in their fantasies. Addicting people to this drug is extremely important, because it prepares their minds to willingly and joyfully accept the larger and far more insidious religions which now seek to devour the soul of humanity itself, which people call politics and economics. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, economics is simply secular religion clothed in science, and just as amoral.
If  the Christian trusted even half as much in cyberspace, the same confirmation bias they rely on in the real world to only ever confirm their "beliefs" about God and Christianity, they would interpret the "intelligently designed" algorithms of the major internet companies as proof that God wishes for us all to be addicted to gambling, social media, and porn. 
Science is as much to blame for war as religion, for one gives us the weapons to kill each other and the other convinces us it would be wrong of us not to do so. And everyone is equally convinced they are only fighting to defend the superiority of their culture, which was enlightened and gracious enough to supply us with our particular brands of both science and religion.