Religion is not only a masterful lie designed to control people by addicting them to a false sense of hope (only tentatively of course, since they're just as likely to end up in hell), it is also a gateway drug that addicts people to reveling in their fantasies.
Addicting people to this drug is extremely important, because it prepares their minds to willingly and joyfully accept the larger and far more insidious religions which now seek to devour the soul of humanity itself, which people call politics and economics.
Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, economics is simply secular religion clothed in science, and just as amoral.
Addicting people to this drug is extremely important, because it prepares their minds to willingly and joyfully accept the larger and far more insidious religions which now seek to devour the soul of humanity itself, which people call politics and economics.
Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, economics is simply secular religion clothed in science, and just as amoral.
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