Fear is always the road to hell, paved with golden intentions, which transforms every wrong into a right, because they're all committed for the love of a cause. Our religions give us meaning and purpose, in other words, but only the kind that lead us to want to kill each other and die for, rather than the kind that would lead us to see how our differences make up for our limitations, rather than blaming our limitations on our differences, which religions encourage us all to do, by telling us that by doing so we are uniting with the "body of Christ," which the Christian thinks of as a spiritual-superman of the sort Germany was seeking to create biologically during World War II, which they think in turn gives them the right to treat anyone who doesn't agree with them like the body of Christ. Religion's do this by encouraging intolerance for a difference of opinion on things, from the opinion on things declared to them by their God, because they choose to ...