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Showing posts from November, 2019

Old Wine in New Bottles

the amount of fictional suffering we enjoy watching in our different forms of entertainment, from television shows to movies and games and beyond, and all to escape every once and a while from the insufferable experience of the reality we have created for ourselves, and is the truest example of the miracle of faith over reason.  Consider the fact that children's shows contain more violence than any other type of programming.  And yet we call this a Christian nation. The only thing Christian about such a nation is its worship of the image of human crucifixion as the most profitable form of entertainment, from television to the pews. We adore violence to such an extent, in fact, that by the age of 18 , the average 18 - year - old (in US) has seen more than 200,000 acts of   violence. And in almost 75% of those violent scenes, no one is punished for the violent act ." The act of violence not only desensitizes us to suffering all around us, especially economic suff...
The difference between truth and a belief in “God” is the difference between what the word “God” would actually mean if such a “being” actually exists at all, and the greatest lie ever conceived.
Everyone who goes to church thinks they’re morally superior to anyone who doesn’t go to church, and everyone who doesn’t go to church thinks they’re smarter than all the people who do. But my only church is nature, and the only sermon I listen to is written by the waves and the wind, and sung by the birds and the bees.

Why God is an Atheist

When the Christian insists that "man is made in the image and likeness of God," they are admitting that their religion is simply an unintelligible contradiction that allows them to believe anything they wish, no matter how insane and self-evidently false such a "belief" may be.  The first reason for why this is so undeniably true, is because it is impossible, both physically and logically, to claim that a material object - in this case "man" - can be made in the image and likeness of a wholly immaterial object - in this case, the infinite abstract idea of a "God." Such a claim therefore amounts to claiming that the entire universe is made in the image and likeness of an idea that is impossible to put into words, or even conceive of in any practical sense. So the only thing a Christian can possibly mean by such a statement is that man is made in the image and likeness of how such a "God" thinks, for the only thing that a wholly ...
The reason Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden was the exact same reason Jesus Christ was crucified: the first two dared to know truth and the latter dared to speak it. For the Christian to worship that "beliefs" as being true, as such, is no different than believing that a cross is the exact same thing as a tree.