When the Christian insists that "man is made in the image and likeness of God," they are admitting that their religion is simply an unintelligible contradiction that allows them to believe anything they wish, no matter how insane and self-evidently false such a "belief" may be.
The first reason for why this is so undeniably true, is because it is impossible, both physically and logically, to claim that a material object - in this case "man" - can be made in the image and likeness of a wholly immaterial object - in this case, the infinite abstract idea of a "God." Such a claim therefore amounts to claiming that the entire universe is made in the image and likeness of an idea that is impossible to put into words, or even conceive of in any practical sense.
So the only thing a Christian can possibly mean by such a statement is that man is made in the image and likeness of how such a "God" thinks, for the only thing that a wholly immaterial being could ever possibly have in common with a wholly material being is that they may have some commonality of thoughts.
Of course, the idea that an infinite omniscience that exists as pure immateriality would have the very same perspective on material existence that an infinitely lesser form of intelligence would have - especially when the latter exists in a purely material universe, and can thus can only vaguely and imperfectly speculate about ideas concerning any form of immateriality at all - is dubious at best and outright lying at worst.
But not a single Christian is brave enough, even with the power of all of their beliefs, to face the obvious truth of such an undeniable and altogether inescapable conclusion, and for the sole reason that they are far too terrified to face reality itself.
And part of that reality, if we follow the logic of their claims, would amount to a single fact, and none other. That fact is this: If we are made in the image and likeness of a God, and there is only one God, than we are made in the image and likeness of a "being" that has no God, and therefore no beliefs in a "god," and which therefore can only be thought of as an atheist.
As such, anyone who believes in a God, and especially those who feel they are required to depend upon that "God" for everything and anything, is to be anti-God.
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