The more the world felt like hell to him, the more his writing became his only heaven, the more false and dead felt the former, the more real and alive it felt to do the latter. Because it allowed him to see how the splintered reality he had always inhabited in his own mind was purely the result of the reality of the world he had been born into. A world which was "intelligently designed" through a conspiracy of powerful forces - who sometimes compromised but more often went to war with each other when one sought to exert authority over another - to be completely insane, because it's run by a bunch of psychopaths.
And if psychopathy is defined as an inability to empathize with other human beings, and nothing impairs a person's ability to empathize with other human beings more than money - because money creates different cultural reality tunnels which we each inhabit and swim in, that are as different as the neighborhoods people live in because of how much money they make - than money really is "the root of all evil," as it says in the Bible. And it is, because the richer you are, the less able you are to empathize with the suffering of those who have so much less than you do. The poor, from this perspective, are reduced then in the eyes of the wealthiest of all, to the level of cartoon-like status, like the costumed characters that amble around an amusement park, which people either stop to take pictures with, or simply try to avoid altogether.
Thanks to money, the corporations and institutions we create, and the entire ethos of the economy we pray to (i.e. work for, since "work is prayer," according to the Bible) eight or more hours a day, all run exclusively on the octane of "the profit motive." In fact, by law, as decided by the Supreme Court in 1916, to do anything else is illegal. "The profit motive," however, is simply an economic euphemism for what the Bible defines as "the love of money."And for this "love of money" (i.e. for "the profit motive"), and to defend a system based entirely upon it, and driven like nails into the hands and feet of a society with all of the power of law and the swing of a gavel, we are taught to believe we can only demonstrate our "courage" by our willingness to kill and die to defend it, and that a coward is anyone who thinks we should have the courage to believe we are intelligent enough to design something better.
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