Catholicism is the belief that if you sacrifice giving into your baser instincts for sex and laziness as a form of self-denial to a higher purpose and meaning, one embodied in the word "God," then you can sacrifice those who do not believe the same things as you do on the alter of your spiritual righteousness and be both loved by God for having done so, and forgiven by Jesus for being as cruel and homicidal to "unbelievers" as Jesus felt the desire to be toward Jesus for sins you were lured into committing by the devil.
To kill with impunity and in the name of divine justice is to be "like God, knowing right from wrong," for only with such knowledge can the "chosen" righteously decide who should be saved from God's (i.e. their own) wrath, and who deserves hell on earth, as much as they deserve it after death.
And only those who are convinced that others deserve hell, are equally convinced that they deserve heaven for "believing" they are saved, and those "others" are damned.
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