"Fundamentalist Christianity rests on circular reasoning and pat answers. The belief system is brilliantly constructed to provide its own support -- if you don't look too closely at the logic. It is a closed system , satisfied with its own internal evidence of truth . It is closed in that any information or argument from outside is rejected a priori because, as discussed above, it is a 'lie,' not of the 'truth.'" Marlene Winell, Leaving the Fold (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 1993), p. 83. How do you know your particular brand of "God" and religion are true, and infallibly so, and that any and all other brands of "God" and religion are false? Simple: because you "believe" it to be so. When others believe the exact same thing about YOUR brand of God and Religion that you do, they are right, but whenever anyone ever believes the same thing about a DIFFERENT brand of God and Religion, they are dead wrong. For decades, I tri...