Christians have a love affair with pain, violence, and suffering.That addiction is reflected in their most sacred of symbols - the crucifix. And through a kind of hypnosis of continually reading a "sacred" book where violence is God's vehicle for sanctifying the sinful into the eternally saved, Christians associate the pain and suffering that leads to death, with the sexual instinct that leads to life. Christians believe in places like hell, an eternal torture chamber for all those who dare to reject their "beliefs" as either false or at least flawed, even though there are currently over 42,000 variations of the Christian brand of "faith." Many of these different brands believe that all of the other brands are false, and that those who have yet to realize their own faith-brand of Christianity is false or flawed deserve to be cast into eternal flames, where they will - and even should! - suffer for all eternity for their mistake. And this is the whol...