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God's Will & Testament

 The object of Christianity is to erase what makes you a uniquely human individual in order to turn you into a walking cookie-cutout billboard for your religious brand.

Christianity, in this sense, teaches you to think that everything about your human nature that cannot be reconciled to an absolute obedience to God (that is, as God issues his commands via an all too human and fallible institutional "church") is evil,  especially anything that makes you uniquely you.  Anything that in anyway hinders or distracts you from your ability, and indeed your moral obligation, to obey Christianity, is a potential threat that could be grounds for God casting you into eternal oven of hell in the afterlife. If you can obey Christianity more than others, you'll become a saint. 

The Christian believes that their ability to choose being Christian over being merely human is a choice that they make, the reward for which is eternal paradise. And anyone who makes any other choice, even if you're just a child, deserves to be tortured for all eternity by a "loving" God, for having failed to use their "free will" to make the right choice. 

 This doesn't mean the Christian doesn't feel a need or desire to try and distinguish themselves from other Christians, however. Indeed, the Christian has their vanity too, which they seek to serve by aspiring to being heralded as a Christian saint, or even a Christian martyr. 

My mother passed away last year, for example. My brother, a Catholic priest, gave her eulogy (because I wasn't Catholic enough for him or the rest of my family to do so). My brother's eulogy naturally focused almost exclusively on my mom being a  Catholic, and on Jesus, and how him becoming a Catholic priest is the only thing, or certainly the only thing noteworthy enough, that helped to ensure mom escaped being cast into an eternal Auschwitz oven called Hell, by his "loving" God, and tortured mercilessly for all eternity, in the torture chamber created and maintained by my brother's "loving" God. 

That same God also keeps my mom alive, and her pain receptors in perfect working order, for all eternity. If my mom had merely been burned alive by Catholics like my brother for being a witch or heretic - that is, someone who used their "free will" to make the wrong choice, as defined by my brother - my mom's pain receptors would eventually burn off, and her pain from the flames she'd been cast into by Catholics would end. But not in hell! Hell no! God makes sure such pain receptors never burn off, nor diminish in their capacity to maintain maximum suffering! And this, my brother insists, is "pure love!" 

What a miserable existence he must have to ever come close to seeing or feeling the need or desire to believe such things! 

The difference between my brother/family and me, of course, is that they do not see any problem with God deciding to throw my mom into hell for all eternity, and maintaining her pain receptors so she suffer as much as possible for no damn good reason, if such a God decides to do so. I, on the other hand, think even just the slightest chance of such a thing makes God no better than Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. And for daring to think this, my family wants me to burn for all eternity, just like they want their mom to burn for all eternity, IF SHE EVER DARED TO THINK THE SAME THING AS ME!

And they are convinced that it is ME who has the problems!?!?!

 This is why they did not want me to give my mom's eulogy. Oddly enough, since I took care of my mother for the last ten years of her life as e rest of them were too busy being "Catholic," and spoke to her countless times about this very macabre "plan," she agreed far more with me than them, which is also why they did not want me to speak at my mom's funeral. 

 Since they were so focused on being Catholic while I was taking care of my mom, who my mom really was, behind the lifelong performance art of being Catholic for the approval of others and especially "God," who my Mom really was was white-washed away in my brother's Catholic sermonizing. True to form, he turned our mother's death, as the Catholic church turns every death, into a propaganda opportunity to sell salvation from fears that Catholicism sells, and Catholics expect everyone to have as much as they do - a fear of death, which is really a fear of eternal torture. 

Catholics absolutely love the idea of eternal torments for anyone who sees their "beliefs" as anything but "sacred." How Catholics refuse to see why their "sacred" beliefs about their avoiding hell and deserving heaven look to everyone else as simple "scared" beliefs, is the true miracle of Catholicism for sure! 

Of course, such a fear is made only all the worse by the fact they live a life in which they know they are not living it to the fullest, so fearful are they of what they might do without the constraints of their religion to protect them and the world from what they might do. 

What might they do? Well, burn you alive for daring to doubt how infallible they are. And whenever they murder anyone who disagrees with them, they avoid taking any responsibility by claiming it was "God will." 


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