The greatest danger to the planet in general, and the human species in particular, is a mindset of certainty, the same mindset championed by religion that teach a person to see doubt of their own beliefs as not only wrong and potentially evil, but something for which they deserve eternal torments.
Catholic priests sell this kind of thinking in every mass they perform.
Ironically, the same Catholic priest who threatens his flock with hellfire for doubting his claims, which are often at odds with other Catholic priests and even Catholic popes, requires those same faithful flocks to doubt and distrust whoever it is the Catholic priest tells them to doubt and distrust.
If CNN reports that scientists around the world agree that climate change could end life on the planet, the Catholic priest may well demand that his flock "doubt" such claims or risk being cast into eternal hell for failing to do so.
If FOX News, on the other hand, reports that the Virgin Mary is floating around the farm fields of Conyers, Georgia. proclaiming God is about to end the world because he is pissed off that not enough people have become Catholic since he sacrificed his son, that same Catholic priest may well insist that if people dare to doubt such a claim, they risk being cast into the same eternal hell they can expect to inherit for daring to believe that climate change is real.
Same outcome, but different means by which the "end of the world" comes about.
The Catholic priest simply decides that the one that reflects his own brand of beliefs, for which he secures his own livelihood, is true, and the one put forth by the scientists, who are all lying about it so they can sustain their own livelihoods through grants and such, are lies.
Point out to the Catholic priest in question the obvious and "infallible" hypocrisy that is the "true" religion he practices, and he will bypass any discomfort from such a truth by praying for your death and eternal torments. And if he can secure his seat in eternal heaven by being the one who sends you to eternal hell, his lust for salvation will ensure he would be unable to resist the chance to do so.
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