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How God is like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman

 According to Christians, especially the alt-Right Christians, all of the worlds problems having nothing to do with economic exploitation of the environment or debt enslavement of employees into soul amputating careers that are designed to create an addiction to products that all promise to fill the void they only contribute to creating. No, for Christians, all of the problems in the world are the result of atheists, socialists, and "fags."  And it's as simple as that.

For them, these three "godless" groups have been engaged in a war agaisnt God since Satan decided he wanted to rule rather than serve, because 'they have all been duped by Lucifer and his evil minions into being as selfish as a devoted disciple of Friedrich Hayek and Ayn Rand. And as these agents of evil infiltrate American culture more and more, so the alt-Right crowd claims, they subvert Christianity and prompt God to withdraw the protective grace He has traditionally used to shield the world from such evil like a spiritual prophylactic.

 Conservatives blame the removal of God from public schools  - which is a boldface lie, however, since God was never removed from public schools, as the Court cases concerning this question clearly show, but was simply prevented from being used in public schools as the unofficial mascot for America - for why God decided to withdraw his protective grace from humans, and Americans in particular. (It's ironic that so many of the school shooting are by right-wing Conservatives.) In this way, God is like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket, who makes it harder on everyone else in order to coerce the majority into disciplining one of their own.

When "disgusting fat body" Private Pyle is found to have effectively "sinned" against the Core by hiding a jelly doughnut in his footlocker, like God, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman decides not to punish Pyle directly, but by punishing the rest of the Platoon instead for failing to give "Prive Pyle the proper motivation!" As Hatman screams at the other recruits:  

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: [to recruits] Private Pyle has dishonored himself and dishonored the platoon! I have tried to help him, but I have failed! I have failed because you have not helped me! You people have not given Private Pyle the proper motivation! So from now on, whenever Private Pyle fucks up, I will not punish him. I will punish all of you, and the way I see it, ladies, you owe me for one jelly donut! Now, get on your faces! [to Pyle] Open your mouth! [shoving the donut into Pyle's open mouth] They're paying for it; you eat it! [to recruits] Ready, exercise!

This is how Christians see God, screaming at them to "properly motivate" others to "believe" in the righteous anger of God that will befall humanity if they do not repent, and accept that they belong to the blood of Christ as the Jews had belonged to the Pharaohs.  That God uses suffering to coerce people into "serving the law," is not only a direct contradiction to Jesus's claim that "the law was made to serve man," and not the other way around, but it furthermore makes no sense whatsoever when you consider that Christians claim that Hell means God ensures everyone gets their proper deserves in the end anyway.

So why does God feel the need to "punish" humanity en masse for the sins of "atheists, socialist, and fags"? Because Christians say so. And anyone who has a problem with that, deserves to burn for all eternity in hell! Praise baby Jesus!


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