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Christian Opposition to Intellectual Progress

It has often been claimed that Christianity has helped to advance human understanding in all areas of knowledge, but this is a demonstrable falsehood, that only proves how often Christianity practices the very opposite of what it so proudly and loudly claims; and always in the name of humility. Where Christianity has often gotten it wrong, it killed or silenced all those who got it right, until such time as the Church had changed its mind; and then proclaimed to be the first ones to have discovered such "infallible truth" to begin with.

Christianity opposed ideas that the earth revolved around the sun, for example. Christianity also opposed the idea that slavery and later segregation were immoral; that minorities,women and the poor all deserved the right to vote as much as land owning white men;and  that evolution was a more valid theory of the origins of human development than "creationism" or what would later be recast as "intelligent design."

It has opposed the geological understanding of our world, opposing Thomas Cooper's heretical views of rocks in 1832 for suggesting the world was older than the Christian bible claimed.

It opposed understandings in math, like the work done on infinity equations by Georg Cantor and Galileo, which was only seen as challenging the "infinity" that was believed by Christians to be the sole domain of God.

It has opposed the advances in medicine,  by insisting that humanity was not as natural to the world as every other living animal in the world. Modern medicine did not begin, therefore, until some four hundred years ago, “when a group of northern Italians had the courage and the humility to suspect that man, rather than being something appointed by God as apart or above nature, was a part of nature.”

It opposed understanding the human mind, which Islam had figured out long before Christianity, as being something that was as human as our bodies and therefore just as susceptible to deficiencies in biology, rather than diagnosing everything as a demonic or spiritual problem, the cure for which was to expel such demons through exorcism, torture, or burning the person alive as a witch.
And today, we see this trend only continued in Christianity's war agaisnt any willingness to budge a single centimeter on its understanding of the nature of sex, sexuality, and gender as well, despite the growing amount of overwhelming evidence about such matters as being perfectly "normal" and "natural."

That none of the scientific evidence we have today existed when Christianity first grounded its fearful interpretation of such ideas in the medieval minds of those who's only source of "knowledge" about such matters was a bible that boasted of the morality of committing genocide for the glory of a god, is "naturally" ignored.

Christianity only ever uses "evidence" of human nature from animals when it comes to our willingness to murder each other for god and glory, but never in its attempts to understand anything related to sex or gender, since the Bible clearly illustrates just how "moral" murder can be - with God not only repeatedly calling for genocide but also choosing to have us savagely murder his own son for our "salvation," rather than simply "turning the other cheek" as He commands everyone else to do - but makes no such allowances with sex. 

Even more interesting, is how the same Christianity that has so often only ever opposed Darwin's theory of evolution for understanding human development, has just as often used that same theory to support it's economic beliefs in Capitalism, via Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism, which was a bastardization of Darwin's own theory, which Darwin himself rejected as NOT reflecting his own theory. And it does so simply to defend the notions of racism and economic inequality that such a system naturally produces as justified in the "natural order" ordained by their wise and benevolent "God."

The reason it is important to challenge the "truth" claims of Christianity, therefore, since those "truths" are so often the very opposite of anything constituting actual "truth," is because the butterfly effect of getting people to accept the lie that Christianity's  "beliefs" amount to "infallible truths" is the direct cause of those dubious hurricanes practiced in the name of economics and racism thereafter, and always under the sheepskin of a religion that is used to defend both, as ordained by God.    


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