I have never understood how King Herod could be considered such a monster for engaging in the slaughter of the first born son of so many thousands of Jews in his day, and all out of a fear of loosing his power to a new born king, while a God who engaged in the exact same thing to the Egyptians during Passover is so continually worshiped as benevolent and merciful.
After all, even if the whole point of Passover was to change Pharaoh's heart and convince him to let God's people go, why did God feel the need to murder all of the other children in Egypt at that time?
Why didn't God just take Pharaoh's first born son, in other words, or just transport him to hell while he slept, since doing so would've likely convinced him, much as it had convinced the rich man who was too cheap to give anything to Lazarus, of the error of his ways? It has been said that God did as much with some saints, which seems like a giant waste of time if they were already saints, but refrains from doing so to the greatest of sinners, even though doing so has the potential of turning those sinners into the greatest of saints.
At least then there would've been no need for the murder of the innocence, by either King Herod or God.
After all, even if the whole point of Passover was to change Pharaoh's heart and convince him to let God's people go, why did God feel the need to murder all of the other children in Egypt at that time?
Why didn't God just take Pharaoh's first born son, in other words, or just transport him to hell while he slept, since doing so would've likely convinced him, much as it had convinced the rich man who was too cheap to give anything to Lazarus, of the error of his ways? It has been said that God did as much with some saints, which seems like a giant waste of time if they were already saints, but refrains from doing so to the greatest of sinners, even though doing so has the potential of turning those sinners into the greatest of saints.
At least then there would've been no need for the murder of the innocence, by either King Herod or God.
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