The real and perhaps only miracle of religion is how it succeeds in blinding "believers" to the incredibly obvious problems of their faith, which only ever show how purely man made their "belief" systems really are, while at the same time convincing them that they can win eternal paradise through the religious devotion to denying such problems are problems at all, even though they are so painfully obvious to everyone else.
Take the power disparity between God and the devil.
According to the Bible, the devil was a pretty exceptional angel, compared to all of the other angels. In fact, the Bible describes him as the highest angel of them all. So even though Lucifer is pretty exceptional compared to all of the other angels, this by no means makes him a god, which is the very thing he apparently got in trouble for wanting to be.
So then why is there this constant power struggle between the Devil and God? This is like saying there is a power struggle between a glass of water and the pacific ocean, or between an atom and the entire universe.
No matter how "great" Lucifer may have been as an angel, it makes no sense to conclude that any angel - or even ALL of the angels, since God simply created them all - would ever amount to mere gnats to a God that is like an elephant the size of Jupiter, a planet which happens to be 300 times larger than the earth.
And yet, we are supposed to simply "believe" that all of the problems between our desire to be good and our penchant for being evil, boil down to a cosmic chess match between God and his nemesis Satan, with all of us being forced to be pawns in order to maintain the requirement of "free will."
Free will, it should be noted, is the idea that we are all perfectly free to follow God or Satan, which is why we can all be deemed to deserve eternal hell for choosing to follow the later, even though nothing we do is ever good enough to win eternal heaven for following the former; God just decides to grant us access to heaven as a "gift" because he's such a swell God.
On the one hand, Catholics claim that Satan chooses to expose himself everywhere and in practically everything, and always in the simplest, subtlest and most clever of ways, while on the other hand, the only way God chooses to expose himself most clearly to the world is through highly complex and complicated theological explanations; a sacred bible that is as murderous and genocidal as it is ambiguous and self contradictory; and a Catholic Church that for decades has been hiding, and thus aiding and abetting, pedophiles and pederasts under the raincoat of its religion.
And we are all expected to chose wisely or suffer the eternal consequences. This, then, is the extreme irony of all of this, for God promises to throw Satan and his minions into an eternal lake of fire, but only AFTER the world has ended,which is precisely the point in time where throwing Satan into a lake of fire won't matter to ANYONE!
God could chose to do this now, of course, and save countless numbers of his "beloved children" whom he allows the devil to work so diligently everywhere to drag to hell along with him - which for God would be far, far easier thing to do than creating the entire universe - but as Jesus used to say, "Where's the fun in that?"
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