To love God is to hate yourself.
And who wouldn't hate themself for feeling in anyway responsible, for the brutal torture and murder of Jesus, which Jesus had to undergo in order to forgive us our never ending list of sins, which only grow like compound interest grows money?
In fact, the Christian actually believes that a person is somehow made more moral by first believing they are so sinful that they could only be forgiven by God through the torture and murder of his only son Jesus, and than believing that even though they were forgiven by the torture and murder of Jesus, they are nevertheless still held responsible, to some infinitesimal degree, for both the torture and murder of Jesus.
The miracle of Christianity then, is that we are forgiven our sins through our willingness to torture and murder our god. And to prove ourselves worthy of that "god" we call money, we joyfully torture and murder each other, and call the perdition we worship and create, an act of God and the necessary road to salvation.
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