There is a level of ignorance in the world so profound that it is worshiped as an infallible source of divine enlightenment. It is a an addiction that is far worse than heroin and is the cause of all war and hatred in the world, precisely because it is worshipped as the only source of love, meaning, and truth. In fact, so addicted to this profound source of ignorance are people that they would joyfully murder their own children to maintain it, just like Abraham. And the only reason it will never be overcome is because humans are so addicted to their enslavement to this ignorance that they have only ever murdered anyone who has ever dared to reveal its true face. The greatest of these in the last two thousand years was a man named Jesus. And when the next person comes along and tries to do what he did, Christians the world over will scream repeatedly at the top of their lungs in unison “Crucify him!” To maintain their sacred “beliefs” about god, the Christian would murder God ev...