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Showing posts from December, 2019
There is a level of ignorance in the world so profound that it is worshiped as an infallible source of divine enlightenment. It is a an addiction that is far worse than heroin and is the cause of all war and hatred in the world, precisely because it is worshipped as the only source of love, meaning, and truth. In fact, so addicted to this profound source of ignorance are people that they would joyfully murder their own children to maintain it, just like Abraham. And the only reason it will never be overcome is because humans are so addicted to their enslavement to this ignorance that they have only ever murdered anyone who has ever dared to reveal its true face. The greatest of these in the last two thousand years was a man named Jesus. And when the next person comes along and tries to do what he did, Christians the world over will scream repeatedly at the top of their lungs in unison “Crucify him!” To maintain their sacred “beliefs” about god, the Christian would murder God ev...
Religion claims its sacred “beliefs” are actually sacred “truths,” even though those truths must ultimately be accept on faith alone. And they must primarily be accepted on faith alone, because God not only works in ways that are forever outside of our ability to ever fully understand, but because that same God chooses to remain entirely and forever outside of the ability of science to ever be able to detect whatsoever, and all so God can prove to humanity that despite our god given abilities to use our minds to the best of our ability to understand anything and everything, and especially what it truly means to be human, we can only ever truly know God through faith alone! End of discussion!  If you are a Catholic, however, that faith is buttressed by the traditions of all those who proved they were willing to die rather than ever admit they could be wrong. Religion, as such, is an act of faith to believe that what determines if a person will be saved from eternal tortures is...

Two Christs

There are two Christ’s in the world: the one Christians the world over worship because they are addicted to their beliefs, and the one those same Christians crucify the world over so they can maintain those beliefs. The first one is a fairytale dreamt up by advertisers, as much by the propagandist St. Paul for the glory of Roman imperialism as Joel Osteen for the glory of American capitalism, and the other is all those who are forced to suffer on the cross of reality for the glory of the fairytale. Tell a Christian this, of course, and they will respond as violently as Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist when she thought Fr. Karris has sprinkled holy water on her, after she had been possessed, or a vampire to sunlight. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, however, since Christians drink blood every Sunday and religion operates as the most potent and celebrated form of demonic possession humanity has ever “intelligently designed” for itself.

You Name It

Steve Harvey. I recently watched a short clip of Family Feud with Steve Harvey. The question he was asking contestants to answer was “What event changed Steve Harvey’s look on life?” Or something like that. The answers included getting married, with the answer card including, once it was turned over, the qualifier, “(for the third time).” (Harvey was not amused.) Another was shaving his head. But one that struck me as particularly interesting was an answer that a contestant offered that was not up on the board. That contestant answered “the decision to become one with God.” While this answer was not up on the board it was revealing nevertheless, not only because of who the “God” is that Steve Harvey was said to have become “One with,” but more importantly, by what name Steve Harvey calls that “God.” The God that Steve Harvey “became one with,” along with everyone from Anthony Robbins to Joel Osteen to Donald Trump, is actually the “invisible hand” of Capitalism itself, wh...

Born Yesterday Again

A belief in a god who grants us eternal life is only as strong as a person’s fear of death. But death is infinitely more natural than life. While “all that lives must die,” not all that is dead will one day be alive, and only the very least of that which does will ever experience life in the form of a human being. To fear death is therefore to fear what is infinitely more natural than life itself, and certainly more natural than human life. The only thing more unnatural than fearing death, therefore, is believing that a god who decided to grant us all the “gift” of human life - which we are all quite confident is by far the greatest of all forms of life god has ever created, or ever will - will also save us all from eternal death, even though he insists we must experience death at least once anyway, no matter what. And presumably, so religion wants us to believe, because God created us in such a way that we can only ever truly appreciate life by first experiencing death, i...
Christians treat atheists the same way the overwhelming majority of citizens of the Roman Empire treated Christians. To Rome, Christians were all atheists, because they did not believe in the gods of Rome, but instead they believed in a man and called that man a god. To Rome, Christianity was seen as atheistic humanism.