There are two Christ’s in the world: the one Christians the world over worship because they are addicted to their beliefs, and the one those same Christians crucify the world over so they can maintain those beliefs.
The first one is a fairytale dreamt up by advertisers, as much by the propagandist St. Paul for the glory of Roman imperialism as Joel Osteen for the glory of American capitalism, and the other is all those who are forced to suffer on the cross of reality for the glory of the fairytale.
Tell a Christian this, of course, and they will respond as violently as Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist when she thought Fr. Karris has sprinkled holy water on her, after she had been possessed, or a vampire to sunlight. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, however, since Christians drink blood every Sunday and religion operates as the most potent and celebrated form of demonic possession humanity has ever “intelligently designed” for itself.
The first one is a fairytale dreamt up by advertisers, as much by the propagandist St. Paul for the glory of Roman imperialism as Joel Osteen for the glory of American capitalism, and the other is all those who are forced to suffer on the cross of reality for the glory of the fairytale.
Tell a Christian this, of course, and they will respond as violently as Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist when she thought Fr. Karris has sprinkled holy water on her, after she had been possessed, or a vampire to sunlight. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, however, since Christians drink blood every Sunday and religion operates as the most potent and celebrated form of demonic possession humanity has ever “intelligently designed” for itself.
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