A belief in a god who grants us eternal life is only as strong as a person’s fear of death.
But death is infinitely more natural than life. While “all that lives must die,” not all that is dead will one day be alive, and only the very least of that which does will ever experience life in the form of a human being.
To fear death is therefore to fear what is infinitely more natural than life itself, and certainly more natural than human life.
The only thing more unnatural than fearing death, therefore, is believing that a god who decided to grant us all the “gift” of human life - which we are all quite confident is by far the greatest of all forms of life god has ever created, or ever will - will also save us all from eternal death, even though he insists we must experience death at least once anyway, no matter what. And presumably, so religion wants us to believe, because God created us in such a way that we can only ever truly appreciate life by first experiencing death, in every conceivable form imaginable.
That God could've chosen to create us in such a way as to have no need for death to begin with, misses the point that God needed humanity to sin, so He could addict that humanity to his earthly church, so that even when that Church is committing the most evil sins in history, people will continue to depend upon it for all their hope, meaning, and self identity.
And if you die in the right state of soul, so the contract says with God via religion, you’ll never die again, and you’ll be perfect in every way possible. And if your children happen to end up in hell for all eternity while you bask in the sunny glory of gods righteousness, the parent can always take solace in their faith that they must of deserved nothing less!
And the proof of the validity of all religious claims is simply that no one has ever come back from the grave and complained that religion was selling false promises, which can only mean that any of the growing number of religions selling me the brand of god I prefer, but especially the oldest sellers of such snake oil, must therefore be telling the truth, because I know my momma didn’t raise no dummy, and I wasn't born yesterday.
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