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Showing posts from September, 2023

Why Christians Burn Witches

 Christians burned witches and heretics. Think about that for a second. Are "witches" even a real thing? To Christians they were, and are, even if to everyone else they are simply projections of Christian fear masquerading as love of their brand of a "God." Why didn't God show those Christians who were burning those witches the "truth" about what they were doing? Well, apparently for the same reason that same God never revealed to those Catholic parents what some of those Catholic priests were doing to their own children: because witches are no more real than the Catholic conception of God. Ironically enough, like the witches they accused of magic and burned as necromancers, it is the Catholics who use sacramental hocus pocus to transform bread and wine into divine flesh and blood of an Apollo like man-god, that they then claim to eat and drink as a way of curing themselves of their sinful nature.  Eating such divinely transformed flesh and blood - whi...

How Christianity Changes How We See Ourselves & Each Other

  Christianity changes how we see both ourselves and other people. And not for the better.  Rather than seeing human beings as being born as innocent as Jesus, Christianity wants us to believe that almighty God choose instead to ensure that those whom he had made in his own image and likeness were all born infected with an inherent desire to act in the image and likeness of Satan. And he did so, according to Christianity, in order to determine whom of us is worthy of forgiveness for spending their life stuggling to resist the sinful infection of their pre-programmed sin-stained souls, and whom of us deserves to be turned into an everlasting charcoal briquette.   God freely allowed the devil to pass onto us his own sinful nature, so the story goes, even though any father who threw their infant into a poisonous snake infested garden would be guilty of both child abuse and attempted murder.  With this story, Christianity sees homo sapiens not as the apex of all cre...

The Abomination of Belief

 There can be no greater form of abomination than to believe in what can be neither demonstrated to exist nor made any actual clear unambiguous understanding of.  For to "believe" in things that only invite our reason to crucify itself in knots of nonsensical logic pretzels is to blaspheme against the gift of reason one has been given, and all out of a desire, and a devotion, to need the fairy-tales one was taught as a child to be true, because we have been taught to depend on those fairy-tales for all of our emotional support.  Selling such 'beliefs' is to invite grown human beings to remain children, in other words, not out of a desire to remain as fearless as children are when they are born, when they are wholly as innocent as Jesus himself, but out of the fear that children are taught to have, by Christianity and other religions, that they are sinners all headed straight to hell and damnation.  And the only road they can travel to assure their salvation comes fro...

Brains in a Box: The Real Reason Catholicism Teaches People to Judge Homosexuals

 Christianity has long demonized homosexuality as a sin by convincing its followers that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is the Bible's version of America's 9/11, with the divine attack intended as not only punishment of homosexuals and, even more so, of all those who tolerated them,  including women and children, but also a warning to all future generations of God's willingness to nuke whole cities over who is kissing whom. Christian morality, as such, is based on the idea that it is right and good for God to firebomb whole cities for a "sin" that such an infinitely enlightened being freely chooses to be offended by, despite having created such homosexuals in the first place. And he is as offended by the homosexuals he alone is responsible for creating just as much as He is offended by anyone who refuses to accept He likewise "intelligently designed" each of us with a sin-stained soul, for which He also commands us all to spend our lives begg...