Christians burned witches and heretics. Think about that for a second. Are "witches" even a real thing? To Christians they were, and are, even if to everyone else they are simply projections of Christian fear masquerading as love of their brand of a "God." Why didn't God show those Christians who were burning those witches the "truth" about what they were doing? Well, apparently for the same reason that same God never revealed to those Catholic parents what some of those Catholic priests were doing to their own children: because witches are no more real than the Catholic conception of God.
Ironically enough, like the witches they accused of magic and burned as necromancers, it is the Catholics who use sacramental hocus pocus to transform bread and wine into divine flesh and blood of an Apollo like man-god, that they then claim to eat and drink as a way of curing themselves of their sinful nature.
Eating such divinely transformed flesh and blood - which Catholics call "transubstantiation" through the Sacrament of Communion - convinces the Catholic that doing so makes them better able to see who is working for God and who is in league with the devil. Again, Catholics truly "believe" this, even though that "sacrament" did nothing to improve the ability of so many Catholic parents to see just how many Catholic priests - the same ones performing the sacramental miracle of transubstantiation - were in fact raping their own children. Talk about a miracle of denial!
Also ironically enough, you can only eat the divine flesh and blood the priest bakes with hands touched by God, which is supposed to help to cure you of your sinful nature, after you have gone to confession to the same priests, which has the same effect of having those same sins forgiven you already. Why the need to supplement one sacrament of forgiveness with another? Because God ensured our sinful soul could never be fully freed from the sinful nature He preprogrammed it to prefer, and all to ensure His Catholic Church would be kept stocked with souls in need of salvation, regardless of the number of pedophiles that same God does literally nothing to prevent from joining his one true church, nor how much that church actively protects those pedophiles and even aids and facilitates their crimes.
But whatever you do, don't try to explain any of this to a Christian, and especially not to a Catholic, or they're likely to burn you as both a witch and, for daring to question or disagree with their own stain-glassed perceptions about reality, a heretic. You know, just like those "true believers" did when Jesus tried to point out the same things to the people of his own religion. That's just how "true believers" roll.
So, again, is a "witch," as the sort the Christian fears and believes in, even a real thing? Sure, there are Wiccans, who practice pagan rituals and see nature as a god. At the same time, however, most if not all of the Christian traditions and icons are derived from the same paganism as Wicca is, from wedding rings to Christmas trees to even many of the Christian holidays.
For the Christian, a "witch" is anyone who operates in league with the devil or demonic forces. Never mind the fact that, according to their own religion, God made us with sin-stained souls that predispose us to preferring to play with the devil more than worshiping the God that allegedly designed us with such a preference. As a result, the Christian sees themself as a witch as well, for which they believe they deserve to be burned alive for all eternity. The only salvation from such a fate, so the Christian believes, is to erase themself entirely and become a robot for their religious leaders.
As robots for their religion, Christians are committed to the task of turning others into robots as well. To accomplish this task, Christians have tortured and murdered people who were just as innocent as Jesus himself, and just as innocent as newborn babies. And they did so because they were convinced that they had to in order to accomplish two things: keep the devil in check and keep their own "God" appeased enough so He would not to treat them, or their city or town, just like He treated Sodom and Gomorrah.
And these forms of massacres, and especially the terrorism such massacres are designed to instill in all those who learn of them, is the basis for all of Christian morality. Of course, to anyone who is not drug addicted to their own delusions of righteousness and infallibility, such a morality is indistinguishable from a psychopathic serial killer taking orders to kill lovers in their cars from his neighbor's dog, named Sam.
So why do Christian burn witches and heretics? Because they believe doing so is the only way they can save themselves from their own God.
Just think about that: To save themselves FROM THEIR OWN GOD!
And they'll swear on a Everest size stack of Bibles that doing so makes them better than they would otherwise be without such "love" for their own brand of God.
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