There can be no greater form of abomination than to believe in what can be neither demonstrated to exist nor made any actual clear unambiguous understanding of.
For to "believe" in things that only invite our reason to crucify itself in knots of nonsensical logic pretzels is to blaspheme against the gift of reason one has been given, and all out of a desire, and a devotion, to need the fairy-tales one was taught as a child to be true, because we have been taught to depend on those fairy-tales for all of our emotional support.
Selling such 'beliefs' is to invite grown human beings to remain children, in other words, not out of a desire to remain as fearless as children are when they are born, when they are wholly as innocent as Jesus himself, but out of the fear that children are taught to have, by Christianity and other religions, that they are sinners all headed straight to hell and damnation.
And the only road they can travel to assure their salvation comes from trusting a Catholic priest.
And each and every Catholic priest, by belonging and supporting a religion that cultivates in the minds of innocent children a dire need for salvation by instilling in those same children a fear of eternal damnation, only empowers every pedophile within the Catholic Church by creating spiritual dependence in its victims.
And to protect the profits it makes from instilling such fear, effectively mind-raping innocent children for its own glory and gain, the Catholic Church has made it a moral imperative to protect the pedophiles it employs, rather than the children it poisons with ideas of "original sin" and damnation for its profits.
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