The belief that eternal pleasures await as a reward for having lived life as obediently as possible is an admission of not only how hard life is, but how much a person resents having to endure it.
Expecting heaven in the afterlife, in other words, is an act of ingratitude for this life.
And a belief in hell is to believe that those who did not perform such a test of life - a test they were never asked to participate in and from which there is no escape, not even death - with a passing grade by a grader who has demonstrated "his" willingness to punish the innocent and reward the guilty (Adman and Eve were thrown out of the garden of Eden, for example, which meant the serpent was rewarded for his lies with being the king of the jungle) deserve no less than eternal torments.
For St Augustine, any infant or fetus who died before they were baptized had failed the test of life and damn well deserved their eternal sufferings as a result, for who can ever question God and his "plan" as just?
Hence, Christians worship the Jigsaw who designed such a game, named Jesus.
If Christianity is true, in short, Jesus is the serial Jigsaw from the horror movie "Saw."
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