I read the book The Big Short, a few years back, by Michael
Lewis. It explains why, as the money manager known for
shorting securitized subprime home mortgages, Steve Eisman, put it in
Aug 2008, "If the entire US financial system seems like a circular Ponzi
scheme, that's because it is." In other words, when CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lord
Blankfein, says “the system is extremely complex,” he means if he explains how
it works, people would realize the whole thing was set up by guys like Bernie Madoff.
To understand how our financial systems
actually work - and indeed continue to work even today - I highly recommend reading the last
chapter of Lewis's book, Chapter 10, and especially the Epilogue. One of the main
characters in the book is Michael Burry, a trader who saw the approaching collapse
long before anyone else, and who was scorned by others for his having such foresight.
In an interview about the movie based on the book
Burry warns that “another crisis is coming.” See http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/12/big-short-genius-says-another-crisis-is-coming.html?mid=full-rss-krang,dailyintel,scienceofus .
Of course "another crisis is coming." That's because our current political and financial systems all but
preclude any other option. And although Burry is right about "another
crises is coming," he seems to continually contradict himself on whether
we should blame someone, and if so, who. For example, first he says he is
"shocked that executives at some of the worst lenders were not punished
for what they did," and then he says that the problem "starts not
with the bank, but with decisions by individuals to borrow to finance a better
Then, after preaching about how we should not be
"doubling down on blaming others" and how "We should be teaching
our kids to be better citizens through personal responsibility, not by the
example of blame," Burry goes on to blame both Frank Dodd and Barney Frank
by saying they are "two guys bought and sold by special interests, and one
of them should be shouldering a good amount of blame for the crisis." What's
more, Burry even subtly blames the "crimes of companies" that banks
were "forced to acquire."
Well, which one is it Mr. Burry: should we blame no
one but ourselves, or should we blame the "lenders.. who were not punished
for what they did," or Dodd & Frank, or the "crimes of the
companies that banks "were forced to acquire," or simply those
"individuals" who borrowed to "finance a better life"? He
then goes on and blames the individual borrowers indirectly by referring to
everyone else on his list as simply "enablers."
But given the fact that America's economy has been
running largely on credit fumes since roughly the 1970s - thanks to three
decades of wage stagnation even as the cost of housing and higher education,
and almost everything else, over that same period have exploded (it's no coincidence, after
all, that national and personal debt have been rising in tandem with private
profits) - such 'borrowing' has become an increasingly necessary part of middle
class survival. Our economy, in other words, requires that everyone from Main
Street to Wall street necessarily "borrow to finance a better life,"
or risk being left behind. For many people, much like businesses and banks the
world over, not borrowing is simply not an option. After all, can you think of
any major purchases you've made over your life that you did not need to borrow
money for? Well, me neither. And how many people in the middle class can really
survive these days without at least one credit card?
In fact, Burry seems to ignore the fact that both
individuals and financial institutions all ran into the very same brick wall, and
for the very same reason: they all borrowed excessively - from AIG over leveraging by over $5 billion and Lehman Brothers by over $70 billion - under an "irrational exuberance" (to borrow a
phrase from Alan Greenspan) that the housing market would only continue to
rise. And when it didn't, everyone blamed "personal responsibility," unless you are a financial institution, of course.
"No single snow flake ever felt responsible for an avalanche," however, but large implosions of the financial markets create much worse. Hence, when the largest institutions began to implode because they had over leveraged themselves with speculative investments, from sub-prime mortgages to credit-default swaps, they all blamed the "individual" for taking on more debt than he/she could pay back. That AIG and other financial institutions had done the exact same over leveraging, and on a far greater scale, is apparently irrelevant to Mr. Burry.
"No single snow flake ever felt responsible for an avalanche," however, but large implosions of the financial markets create much worse. Hence, when the largest institutions began to implode because they had over leveraged themselves with speculative investments, from sub-prime mortgages to credit-default swaps, they all blamed the "individual" for taking on more debt than he/she could pay back. That AIG and other financial institutions had done the exact same over leveraging, and on a far greater scale, is apparently irrelevant to Mr. Burry.
This kind of double standard is essentially what St
Augustine described in The City of God as the idea that Emperors are applauded
for doing with an armada what pirates are executed for doing with a single
ship. If you are not destroying things on the level of a God, you are the devil.
Burry even points out such a double standard when he
says that the "worst lenders were not punished for what they did"
because "this is the nature of these things." Hence, while such
institutions may enjoy being legal persons, according to Burry, we should not
expect those legal persons to take "personal responsibility,"
apparently. Glen Greenwald's book, "Liberty and Justice for Some,"
discusses in great detail how this "legal inequality" - where average
citizens are forced to take "personal responsibility" for causing the
collapse by irresponsibly trying to "finance a better life," even as
"the biggest banks got bigger" and "the ones running the
machine," as Burry puts it, "still live in mansions" - is simply
par for the course. We even see this legal inequality in Burry's own comment
that "the little guy" needs to be "more diligent and ... more
suspicious" than those mansion-dwelling "enablers" who run
around "offering free money" (many of whom are apparently the same
guys Burry is "shocked" were not 'punished for what they did" in
the first place).
Personally, I see this as no different than those
who condemn Pol Pot and Stalin for being monsters for killing millions, while
praising God for ordering his "chosen people" to repeatedly commit
genocides in the O.T. or even for killing everyone and everything on the planet
via the flood. The only way to demonstrate supreme power, in other words, is by
breaking all the rules and then getting away with it. In many respects, as
Greenwald points out extensively, such a double standard is how everything
seems to works, whether it's God, governments, or those institutions that are
"too big to fail." And if Greenwald had read Augustine, he shouldn't
be surprised.
Also, Burry's comparison of the Dot Com bust is an
apple to the orange of financial collapse.
All those "VCs and dot-com executives" bought their mansions
with money from the financial institutions that invested in them. The only
similarity is that both were financed by the same "lenders," which
only proves how right Michael Lewis was in his book, The Big Short, about these
guys being little more than "crooks and fools." That's why its hard for me to take Burry
seriously here, because even as he says we shouldn't be playing the blame game,
all he is doing is blaming individual borrowers for over leveraging themselves
and the government for mucking up the processes by which banks can make loans,
good ones and bad ones. For example, he states:
- Banks were forced, by the government, to save some
of the worst lenders in the housing bubble, then the government turned around
and pilloried the banks for the crimes of the companies they were forced to
As we know only too well, this happens to be true.
But then Burry says
--Government policies and regulations in the
postcrisis era have aided the hollowing-out of middle America far more than
anything the private sector has done
This is somewhat true, but it is also mostly false
and, in my opinion, pure grand standing. Martin Wolf, who is "widely
considered to be one of the world's most influential writers on
economics," is the associate editor and chief economics commentator at the
Financial Times. According to Wolf and others, for example, the chief cause of
"the hollowing-out of middle America," and indeed the economy
overall, is actually a result of the financialization of the economy, along
with the subsequent deregulation that precipitated the collapse in 2008. Burry,
therefore, simply looks like someone engaging in the age old past time of
"blame the government" for everything.
And while there is obviously plenty to blame the government for in all of this mess, Burry seem to go out of his way to lay such
blame on government or individuals only, while being careful in his tacit accusation
of "lenders" or "enablers," one of which he probably works
for, and many of which he probably works with, on a regular basis (which is
probably why this article seems so incredibly biased to me).
Finally, Burry goes on to completely disqualify
himself, in my opinion, by stating:
-- "The advances in health care in particular
are breathtaking — so many selfless souls are working to advance science, and
this is heartening. Long-term, this is good for humans in general. Americans
have so much natural entrepreneurial drive."
But the "advances in health care" he is
referring to have very little to do with America's "entrepreneurial
drive" and much more to do with the American tax payer. For example
"In a study published in the New England
Journal of Medicine, researchers found the United States comprised 51 percent
of global research spending, at $131 billion in 2007. But by 2012, that number
dropped to $119 billion, or 45 percent of the world's biomedical research
Without those billions in government funding, there would
likely be very little in terms of "advances in health care," since
most of the R&D done by private pharmaceutical companies is spent on
cosmetic or erectile dysfunction type drugs, with such R&D spending often
being less than half the amount such pharmaceutical companies spend on marketing
and advertising.
After all, when it was becoming clear
that the momentum had turned in the markets, as Lewis points out, these guys
began "selling juice from oranges they knew were rotten," and all to
cover their losses. No matter how elaborate, complex, and ubiquitous the scheme
may be, in this sense, it is still just a ponzi scheme. As Lewis argues, at the
top of this whole scheme, "there were more morons than crooks, but the
crooks were higher up," concluding that "the fraud was so obvious
that the game either had to be totally rigged, or we had totally lost our
minds." And when Burry tried to blow the whistle on the whole crooked game
by taking his story to the local newspapers, the newspapers refused to print
it. Worse still, when they eventually went to the enforcement arm of the SEC,
they didn't want to hear it either.
As Lewis states, Welcome to America, where "the people get free markets and the guys running the show get free money."
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