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The Red Pills: 238 Must See Talks, Documentaries & Movies

If you are like me, and you watch all of the documentaries and movies on this list, you will never see the world the same way again. Instead, you'll begin to see the very matrix we are born into, and even get a glimpse of who created it, how, and why. To peek behind this curtain is to see the common thread of power, money, lies, and control, that all work together like a well oiled machine - much of it designed as war for profit - that runs virtually everything. 

As explained by Smedley Darlington Butler, the United States Marine Corps major general, which was the highest rank authorized at that time and who was, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history: "War is a racket," and  "is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious" means of making money humanity has ever come up with. "It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."  As Butler went on to explain in his book, War Is A Racket in1935:

"A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
If nothing else, the movies below allowed me to see just how little I really knew or understood about the world around me. And how so much of the greed and death in our world is only possible by necessarily keeping people in the dark. These movies are not offered as the bedrock of absolute truth, since no such bedrock may exist or be possible to discern by fallible beings, but instead provide simply a variety of different yet highly illuminating perspectives on the world and history Put simply, these movies, in the words of Bob Marley, helped me "light up the darkness."  
  1. 1 The True Cost - How fashion is producing a cycle of slavery and oppression in the name of profits and greed, and destroying our environment while poisoning our agriculture.
2.      Merchants of Doubt - How Climate Change Deniers market the doubts, and why. 
3.      The Power Principle: Episodes 1, 2 and 3.
4.      1971 - About the 1971 break-in to an FBI satellite office uncovered the COINTEL Program, along with MK-ULTRA, and others nefarious programs.
5.      Mirage Men
6.      Drone
7.      Citizen Four
8.      Will and Testament
9.      Fed Up
10.  The Hacker Wars
11.  E.O. Wilson: Of Ants and Men
12.  Divorce Corp - How family law, and more specifically divorce, became a more profitable area of law than all other areas of law combined
13.  The Hunting Ground - How ivy league university's keep their sterling silver image intact by sweeping campus rape under the rug
14.  Hot Coffee - How corporations bamboozle the public into creating tort reform laws that only helps the corporations, at great expense to the public at large.
15.  Human Resources
16.  Prophet’s Prey - sheds light on the sexual, financial and spiritual abuses heaped upon members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by their former leader, Warren Jeffs.
17.  Resonance: Beings of Light - How the Schumann resonance effects human cryptochrome cells, and what our cell phones are doing to our brains. 
18.  Informant - A documentary on radical left-wing activist turned FBI informant, Brandon Darby.
19.  ‘(T)error’ - Critics Consensus: (T)ERROR should dishearten and disturb viewers concerned with the erosion of American civil rights -- and it doesn't even hit its targets as hard as it could. (T)ERROR is the first documentary to place filmmakers on the ground during an active FBI counterterrorism sting operation. Through the perspective of "Shariff," a 63-year-old Black revolutionary turned informant, viewers get an unfettered glimpse of the government's counterterrorism tactics and the murky justifications behind them. Taut, stark and controversial, (T)ERROR illuminates the fragile relationships between individual and surveillance state in modern America, and asks who is watching the watchers?
20.  Banana Land: Blood Bullets and Poison - The Disconnect: For consumers, bananas are a delicious and nutritious start to the day, a healthy snack and a fixture in our fruit bowls. For millions of residents in the banana lands, the production of bananas means social upheaval, violence and pesticide poisoning. Banana Land explores the origins of these disparate realities, and opens the conversation on how workers, producers and consumers can address this disconnect.
21.  Omnivores Dilemma
22.  The Biggest Prison System in History
23.  The Lottery of Birth
24.  25 Million Pounds details his role in bringing about the collapse of Barings Bank, by losing £827 million mainly by speculating on futures contracts. With interviews of Leeson himself and those close to him, the film reveals incompetence especially on the part of head office in London.
25.  TTIP: Might is Right - The proposed free trade agreement between the US and Europe (TTIP) causes concern about the European right to self-determination. The most controversial part of TTIP is ISDS: investor-state dispute settlement. ISDS will make it possible for companies to sue governments that damage their investments. But is this arbitrage system where a few investment lawyers decide over billions of taxpayers money a protection of our business interests, or a threat to our democracy?
26.  Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick – This is a conspiracy film that, while most probably flawed in many ways, is an interesting and valuable presentation of information nevertheless.
27.  We Feed the World
28.  The Belgium Business - About how the EU is as controlled by lobby interests as the US Govt.  
29.  The Smart State
30.  Plutocracy: Political Repression in the U.S. A.
31.  America’s Unofficial Religion War on an Idea
32.  Ethos
33.  Spin - About what politicians and televisions personalities say when they think no one is listening.
34.  The Geopolitics of WW III
35.  The Zionist Story
36.  The Clash of Worlds - Understanding Islam's Relationship to Christianity

a.      The Indian Mutiny of 1857

b.      Sudan

c.       Palestine
37.  World War One Through Arab Eyes

a.      The Arabs

b.      The Ottomans

c.       The New Middle East
38.  Terms and Conditions May Apply
39.  Forks over Knives
40.  Nicaragua: A Nation’s Right to Survive
41.  Independent Media In a Time of War
42.  Water: The Great Mystery
43.  Blue Gold: Water Wars
44.  Inside Job
45.  The Real Face of the European Union
46.  An Ecology of Mind
47.  A Class Divided
48.  The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto
49.  In God We Trust?
50.  Why We Fight
51.  Inequality For All
52.  The Four Horsemen
53.  Anonymous: The Story of Aaron Swartz
54.  The Corporation
55.  Manufacturing Consent
56.  Gatto: A short Angry history of American Schooling
57.  The Great Vitamin Conspiracy
58.  Love Canal: The American Dream
59.  Fire in the Blood ( or the book, Genocide by Denial)- about how Big Pharma deliberately prevented generic grade HIV AIDS medication from being sold in order to maintain a higher profit margin. More than 12 million people died as a result, which was more than the 11 million who had perished during the Nazi Holocaust.
60.  The Bhopal Disaster: Toxic Legacy
61.  The Canary Effect
62.  The Truth about vitamins
63.  Oil and Water
64.  The Cross of the Moment - The Cross of the Moment investigates the environmental crisis in a wholly original and stimulating fashion. This feature-length documentary expresses an urgent need to correct the ill effects of climate change and environmental degradation, and explores the major stumbling blocks which have kept governments and the masses from becoming more active in finding solutions.
It all begins with the Fermi paradox. Surrounded by a universe many billions of years older than our own planet, isn't it reasonable to assume that extra-terrestrial life must exist? If so, why haven't we seen evidence of it? A panel of experts, including figures from the fields of academics and science, begin their journey of exploration by mulling over this contradiction. One possible explanation may lie in the miraculously complex series of factors which make our planet uniquely positioned to sustain life.
65.  HUBRIS: Selling the Iraq War - How Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, and Wolfowitz, and director of CIA George Tenet, started a war to make money using the biggest pack of lies in history, about yellowcake, aluminum tubes, "curve-ball" and WMDs.  (Iraqi scientist Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi codenamed "Curveball", admitted in February 2011, that he lied to the CIA about biological weapons in order to get the US to attack and remove Hussein from power.) Lawrence Wilkerson (Chief of Staff to Colin Powell from 2002-2005)l for example, wrote that Colin Powell walked into his office and said "I wonder what will happen when we put 500,000 troops in Iraq and comb the country from one end to the other and find nothing."
66.  Winter on Fire
67.  The Marketing of Madness – How psychiatrists are simply sales reps, or what others might call “drug pushers,” for Big Pharama who, regardless of who gets hurt, are just trying to make a buck.
68.  Is the Man who is tall happy?
69.  Slavery by Another Name – How slavery continued until the 1970s in America.
70.  West of Memphis
71.  Big History
72.  Cultures of Resistance
73.  Waco: The Rules of Engagement
74.  Countdown to Zero - Although the Cold War is behind us, the threat of nuclear disaster remains very real. Director Lucy Walker discusses the invention of the atomic bomb and brings the story into the present day, examining the possibility of nuclear calamity under the categories of "Madness," "Accident" and "Miscalculation." This film looms heavy in the debate of pursuing ever more reliance on nuclear energy, since such a reliance increasingly produces the material ad technology, and thus increasingly opens the door, to the development and potential use of nuclear weapons.  It’s like saying a hand gun makes a good hammer, despite the fact they can also be used as a weapon.
75.  Place at the Table
76.  Deep Water Disaster: The Untold Story
77.  Lucent – unblinking visual evidence of these repugnant cruelties, Lucent offers a thoroughly convincing argument that profound change needs to take place within the pig farming industry and within our own consciousness. After all, pigs are self-aware animals with distinct personalities, and an intelligence that surpasses that of man's best friend, the dog
78.  Earthlings - a 2005 American documentary film about humankind's total dependence on animals for economic purposes.  Presented in five chapters (pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research) the film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, featuring music by Moby, and was written, produced and directed by Shaun Monson. WARNING: This movie, is NOT FOR THE FAINT AT HEART!
79.  Oxyana - Tucked in the Appalachian mountains of Southern West Virginia, Oceana, is a small, once thriving coal-mining town that has fallen victim to the fast spreading scourge of prescription painkiller Oxycontin. As the coal industry slowly declined and times got tough, a black market for the drug sprung up and along with it a rash of prostitution, theft and murder. Soon its own residents had nicknamed the town Oxyana and it began to live up to its reputation as abuse, addiction and overdoses became commonplace. Oxyana is a harrowing front line account of a community in the grips of an epidemic, told through the voices of the addicts, the dealers and all those affected. It is a haunting glimpse into an American nightmare unfolding before our eyes, a cautionary tale told with raw and unflinching honesty
80.  Deep Web: Darknet
81.  Bitcoin: The End of Money
82.  Drone Wars
83.  Unmanned: America’s Drone Wars
84.  Night Will Fall - a 2014 documentary film directed by Andre Singer that chronicles the making of the 1945 British government documentary German Concentration Camps Factual Survey. The 1945 documentary, which showed gruesome scenes from newly liberated Nazi concentration camps, languished in British archives for nearly seven decades and was only recently completed.
85.  Hellbound - Filmmaker Kevin Miller explores people's views on hell and what those views reveal about their perceptions of God, justice, the Bible and themselves
86.  Poison Fire - Big Oil's destruction of the Niger Delta 
87.  1945: The Savage Peace - Post WW II Retaliation against Germans -
This documentary focuses on the extrajudicial and organized violence carried out against minorities after World War II, (by America and it's allies) chiefly among them the 10,000,000+ German civilians who were expelled from Eastern Europe after the war and the at least 2,000,000 who fled under pressure from the Soviet advance. Similar events were experienced by Finnish, Polish, Ukrainian, Caucasian, and other minorities in the course of expulsion. The controversial subject of Soviet war rape is explored. Although the Red Cross estimated at least 2,000,000 deaths among German expellees, the more substantial estimate is around 400,000.(HELLSTORM is another film about this, but it was apparently made by an avowed Neo Nazi, who's film I did not wish to direct people toward. His questionable ideas being what they are, however, at least the film documents some of the things that Neo Nazi's are so angry about.)
88.  The Century Of The Self: Controlling The 'Dangerous Crowd' In An Age Of Mass Democracy. How Freud's theories on the unconscious led to the development of public relations by his nephew Edward Bernays; the use of desire over need; and self-actualization as a means of achieving economic growth and the political control of populations.
89.  The Mayfair Set - Looks at the birth of the global arms trade, the invention of asset stripping, and how buccaneer capitalists shaped the Thatcher years, focusing on the rise of Colonel David Stirling, Jim Slater, Sir James Goldsmith and Tiny Rowland—members of the elite Clermont Club in the 1960s.
90.  The Trials of Henry Kissinger – Based on the book by Christopher Hitchens, it indicts Kissinger as a War Criminal for his secret diplomacy during the 1968 peace talks to end the Vietnam War, the secret bombing of Cambodia in the early '70s without congressional authorization, and an alleged U.S.-backed plot to overthrow the leftist government of Chilean leader Salvador Allende.
91.  The Way of All Flesh by Adam Curtis – In 1951, a woman died in Baltimore, America. She was called Henrietta Lacks. These are cells from her body. They were taken from her just before she died. They have been growing and multiplying ever since. There are now billions of these cells in laboratories around the world. If massed together, they would weigh 400 times her original weight. These cells have transformed modern medicine, but they also became caught up in the politics of our age. They shape the policies of countries and of presidents. They even became involved in the cold war because scientists were convinced that in her cells lay the secret to how to conquer death.
92.  The Trap – What Happened to our dream of Freedom - Explores the modern concept of freedom, specifically, "how a simplistic model of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, creatures led to today's idea of freedom."
93.  The Power of Nightmares  - Suggests a parallel between the rise of Islamism in the Arab world and neoconservatism in the United States, and their mutual need, argues Curtis, to create the myth of a dangerous enemy to gain support.
94.  Pandora’s Box – the Dangers of technocratic and political rationality
95.  All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace - Argues that computers have failed to liberate humanity, and instead have "distorted and simplified our view of the world around us." The title is taken from a 1967 poem of the same name by Richard Brautigan.
96.  Every Day is Lie Sunday (2011) - The rise and fall of press baron Cecil King, and the changing relationship between the public, politics and the media.
97.  Everything Is Going According to Plan - Collaboration with Massive Attack. Based on technocrats and global corporations establishing an ultraconservative norm, with the internet providing a "fake, enchanting world, which has become a kind of prison.”
98.  Bitter Lake (2015) How Western leaders' simplistic "good" vs. "evil" narrative has failed in the complex post-war era, and how many Islamic terrorist groups have their origins in the US's long-standing alliance with Saudi Arabia.
99.  The Living Dead  - The different ways that history and memory (both national and individual) have been used and manipulated by politicians and others.
100.  The Great War on PBS: About World War One
101. War by other means John Pilger and David Munro examine the policy of First World banks agreeing loans with Third World countries, who are then unable to meet the crippling interest charges. Won Geneva International TV Award at the North-South Media Encounters event, Geneva, 1993;Gold Medal in the 'Best Documentary Production category' of the International Television Movie Festival, Mount Freedom, New Jersey 1993; Gold Award in the 
102. Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq is a 2000 Carlton Television documentary written and presented by John Pilger which was directed by Alan Lowery. In this documentary Pilger argues that UN sanctions had a devastating effect on the children of Iraq during the 1990s. 
103. The War You Don't See is a 2010 British documentary film written, produced and directed by John Pilger with Alan Lowery, which challenges the media for the role they played in the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel/Palestine conflicts.
104. Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy is a 1994 Central Independent Television documentary, written and presented by John Pilger, and directed and produced by David Munro, which uncovers the complicity of the US and Great Britain governments in the East Timor genocide in the context of the 1990-91 Gulf War.
105. Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia is a 1979 British television documentary written and presented by the Australian journalist John Pilger, which was produced and directed by David Munro.The film recounts the bombing of Cambodia by the United States in 1970 during the Vietnam War, the subsequent brutality and genocide that occurred when Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge militia took over, the poverty and suffering of the people, and the limited aid since given by the West.
106. Flying the Flag: Arming the World: Britain is still a world leader (in selling arms to the world). Indeed it has twenty percent of a world market, second only to the United States. And this industry is considered so important by the government that it consumes almost half of all research and development funds. Strangely it produces not consumer goods that people want, but machines that hardly any of us use or want to use. Moreover, for all its' preeminence, its' future is uncertain and depends to a large degree on secret deals with some of the most corrupt and brutal regimes on Earth.
107. "Oh Dearism, by Adam Curtis, which depicts “the hand-wringing posture we take after seeing or learning about some particularly abhorrent or disgusting aspect of the human condition or what is going on in the world. At the end of the spectacle we shake our heads and say "oh dear" or "Ain't it awful?" but continue on with life as usual. This inevitably leads to resignation -- giving up on possibility on a personal level -- and turns us into what can be described as a spectator society.” From Jim Selman article:
108. Waltz with Bashir – about an infantry soldier in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), his nightmares of the Lebanon War, and visions of the Sabra and Shatila massacre in 1982.
109. The Zionist Story
110. Louis Theroux: The Utlra Zionists
111. Israel vs Israel
112. The Israeli Lobby
113. With God on Our Side
114. Palestine is Still the Issue 
115. Too Big To Fail – HBO special on the Financial Collapse in 2008, and why.
116. Oranges and Sunshine – True Story: Until the early 1970s, thousands of British children -- many orphans, others taken by social workers from broken homes -- were packed onto ships bound for Australia. Promised "oranges and sunshine," many instead endured abuse in workhouses as virtual slaves. In 1987, Nottingham, England, social worker Margaret Humphreys (Emily Watson) learns the horrific extent of this program as she attempts to help two of its survivors, the timid Jack (Hugo Weaving) and the violent Len (David Wenham).
117. Rabbit Proof Fence - Tells the true story of three aboriginal girls who are forcibly taken from their families in 1931 to be trained as domestic servants as part of an official Australian government policy. They make a daring escape and embark on an epic 1,500 mile journey to get back home - following the rabbit-proof fence that bisects the Australian continent - with the authorities in hot pursuit.
118. The Big Short, based on the book by Michael Lewis
119. Kill the Messenger : How Gary Webb uncovered the CIAs importation of Cocaine into the US to fund the Contras in Nicaragua
 120. Black Mass : How Irish Crime Boss Whitey Bulger used the FBI to eliminate the his primary competition in South Boston, the Italian Mafia.
121. The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.
This acclaimed documentary provides insight into the actions of Daniel Ellsberg, a leading American military strategist who leaked the Pentagon Papers, a massive top-secret document that pointed to government deception about the Vietnam War.
122. Requiem for a Dream; The Noam Chomsky Documentary The riveting discussion-of-a-lifetime with Noam Chomsky - "the most important intellectual alive" - on the end of the American Dream.
123. More Than Honey aims to understand why the world's bees are disappearing, and in the process provides an abundance of mind-blowing facts about the insects. For example, one-third of what we eat wouldn't exist without bees. That figure alone should make getting stung seem like much less of a big deal.
124. Food, Inc. presents a no-holds-barred look at the production process behind the stuff we eat, and tackles the agricultural implications that don't stop at your stomach. The documentary focuses on the extreme changes to the food industry that have taken place over the last 50 years and exposes the laws that help keep those often overlooked new practices a secret.
125. The Cove - In Taiji, Japan, local fishermen hide a gruesome secret: the capture and slaughter of dolphins.
126.Big Sugar: Sweet, White, & Deadly -Documentary about Big Sugar, from it's early days with ties to slavery to modern times with it's detrimental effects on the everglades and political ties.
127. Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs -127. pulls back the curtain on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated, and in some instances created, for capital gain. Focusing on the industry's marketing practices, media scholars and health professionals help viewers understand the ways in which direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising glamorizes and normalizes the use of prescription medication, and works in tandem with promotion to doctors.Combined, these industry practices shape how both patients and doctors understand and relate to disease and treatment. Ultimately, Big Bucks, Big Pharma challenges us to ask important questions about the consequences of relying on a for-profit industry for our health and well-being
128.Blind Spot - Blind Spot is a documentary film that illustrates the current oil and energy crisis that our world is facing.Whatever measures of ignorance, greed, wishful thinking, we have put ourselves at a crossroads, which offer two paths with dire consequences.If we continue to burn fossil fuels we will choke the life out of the planet and if we don’t our way of life will collapse. According to one review, it makes An Inconvenient Truth look like a sitcom.
129. Panama Papers: The Shady World of Offshore Companies - The recent unveiling of over eleven thousand documents have members of the news media buzzing. The content of these documents incriminate many of the world's most powerful leaders and nefarious criminals. No one knows the identity of the whistleblower who leaked these materials, but their actions have set off a series of intense investigations that could have far-reaching implications.
They're the Panama Papers, and they reveal the offshore accounts of everyone from the, now Ex-Prime Minister of Iceland to the world's most notorious drug traffickers. Panama Papers: The Shady World of Offshore Companies sets out to investigate the questionable dealings of Mossack Fonseca, the firm which handles each of the more than 214,000 accounts detailed in the documents, as well as the potentially illegal activities of its clientele.
130.The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime: In the wake of a criminal act which cost the economy a conservative estimate of 13 trillion dollars, not a single instigator of this calamity has been brought before a court of law. The intriguingly titled documentary The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime examines the reasons why.
132. Chevron vs. the Amazon
133. Prescription Thugs 
134. The Conspiracy "Theory" Conspiracy - "The mainstream media's agenda is clear," instructs the narrator during the film's opening minutes. "They want you to believe that conspiracies don't exist, the world is exactly like they say it is, and anyone who disagrees is to be marginalized, mocked and shamed."
135. Racing Extinction - how humanity is a meteor that is currently destroying all other species on the planet at a rate that is equal to that of the extinction rates that wiped out the dinosaurs.
136.Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? is a 2011 documentary film, which argues that government deregulation led to the Great Recession.  The documentary is partially based on Jeff Faux's 2006 book The Global Class War.[1] The film traces the roots of the Great Recession to Virginia lawyer Lewis F. Powell, Jr., whose 1971 memo to the United States Chamber of Commerce urged corporate America to become more aggressive in molding politics and law
137. The Tyranny of Big Oil
138. Immigrants For Sale
139. Failure To Obey
140.Who Gets the Best Jobs?
141. Mine Wars - A microcosm of how capitalism works, in every industry
142. How Big Oil Conquered the World
143. Apple's Broken Promises 
144. All Wars Are Banker's Wars - a look at how one man connects the dots between all of America's wars and the banks, starting with the American Revolution. It may seem farfetched in some ways, ( I don't agree with everything he says, for example) but it's incredibly informative, and certainly fascinating food for thought. 
145. Subconscious War - the difference between Aldous Huxley vs George Orwell.
146. We -  Arundhati Roy: Based on Roy's Come Sept. speech before the UN, with music from Massive Attack, it depicts the repeating story of power vs powerlessness that has played out throughout history, and continues to play out, even today.
147.The World According to Monsanto - There's nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it – it's strategic. It's more powerful than bombs. It's more powerful than guns.
148. Exposing the Noble Lie
149. Klansville (KKK) - The Rise and Fall of the Civil Rights - How racism follows the same business plan as religion.
150. How the Banks Won - only in banking do employers lobby congress for the right to continually pay their employees more and more
151. What explains the rise of humans?EXCELLENT TED TALK!! By Yuval Hoah Harari!!!!
152. Dirty Wars 
153. Tobacco Wars
154. State of Surveillance
155. Cocaine Cowboys 
156. Seymour: An Introduction
157. The Fuck It Point
 158. Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point
159.13th :
13TH is an EXCELLENT 2016 American documentary by director Ava DuVernay. Centered on race in the United States criminal justice system, the film is titled after the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which outlawed slaver
160:  The Thinking Atheist
161. How Capitalism is Killing Itself
Dr. Richard Wolf of the U of Mass at Amherst captured Thorstien Vebliens book Theory of the Leisure class perfectly
162. Capitalism and Mental Health: How Capitalism Makes us Sick
163: Videos on YouTube by QualiaSoup and Theramin Trees
- These videos thoroughly debunk everything about Religion, Indeed, "religion" claims to prove its assumed "beliefs" about everything from God to sex, to be "true" only by first getting its followers to accept they must accept this "truth" or be damned forever. You can't question any of this, btw, because Christ was brutally murdered to PROVE what Religion says is TRUE - DAMN YOU!! Now just SHUT UP and accept the TRUTH that is so bloody obvious that religion must try everywhere to force itself down people's damn throats! Bloody wankers! 
164. White Like Me - Tim Wise
165. Plutocracy II
166. Welcome to Truth
167. Slavery By Consent
168. Why Capitalism Makes Us Sick - Dr Gabor Mate'
169. Mosaic of Facts 
170. Rule from the Shadows - the Psychology of  Power
171: O.J. Made in America - EXCELLENT!
172: Free State of Jones 
173 Anthropocene 
174 Militainment – how war and our military is our greatest form of entertainment
175. The Prison Industrial Complex

176: Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land: U.S. Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

177: Operation Hollywood: How The Pentagon Shapes And Censors The Movies

178: Koch Brothers Exposed

179: The Collective Evolution III: The Shift

180. My Ballot

181. ReGeneration (2016) - How technology makes us increasingly ADD, and thus makes us less capable of focusing long enough on any one issue or idea to exercise deep critical thinking, while thereby also diluting our ability to empathize with anyone but ourselves. It's how we are all being turned into serial killing consumers. 

182. Network (1976) - A trenchant satire of trash TV, Network seems to grow only more relevant with each passing year. Howard Beale (Peter Finch), the dean of newscasters at the United Broadcasting System, is put out to pasture because he skews old. Network executive Max Schumacher (William Holden), Howard's best friend

183.  Backlight: Money and Speed: Inside the Black Box: How computers run the financial world.

184. My Dinner with Andre (1981)

185. The Dust Bowl (Ken Burns ) or Stinging Dust & Forgotten Lives: The Dust Bowl: About American's most devastating man made ecological disaster. 

186. Culture in Decline: War on Nature

187. Suez: A Very British Crisis

188. Surviving Progress (2011) 

189. Why Economics is Bullshit and Shouldn't Be Studied. 

190. Who Rules America

191. The Story of Stuff

192.14th Annual Gandhi Lecture on Nonviolence with Chris Hedges: Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt. 

193.Chris Hedges Greatest Speech Ever Made :

194. Chris Hedges Give Heartbreaking Speech on The Wages of Rebellion.

195. The Geopolitics of World War III - about how the Federal Reserve is itself a rouge agency, that operates like a black box, without any check on whatever economic thumbscrews it chooses to apply to America; how America's war for oil is really about it's currency being pinned to oil (hence, "petro dollars"), and how a system based on pure debt based currency (as opposed to a currency based on gold, for example, which Nixon unpegged from the dollar in 1973) results in a perennial addiction to economic growth. And when your entire system runs on consumption, that means we must literally eat ourselves to death in order for the economy to stay alive.  

196. What Makes You Click

197 HyperNormalisation

198. Engines of Domination

199. Evolution and Irreducible Complexity

200. HUMAN 

201 Addiction Incorporated

202. The Human Face of Big Data

203.  Spotlight

204. Before the Flood

205. The Shock Doctrine

206. The People Speak

 207. 11th Hour

  208. The Brussels Business

209.  Growth Busters

210. Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World

211. Encounters at the End of the World

212 COMMAND AND CONTROL: the long-hidden story of a deadly accident at a Titan II missile complex in Damascus, Arkansas in 1980. Based on the critically-acclaimed book by Eric Schlosser, this chilling documentary exposes the terrifying truth about the management of America’s nuclear arsenal and shows what can happen when the weapons built to protect us threaten to destroy us. Filmed in a decommissioned Titan II missile silo in Arizona, the documentary features the minute-by-minute accounts of Air Force personnel, weapon designers, and first responders who were on the scene that night. Command and Control reveals the unlikely chain of events that caused the accident and the feverish efforts to prevent the explosion of a ballistic missile carrying the most powerful nuclear warhead ever built by the United States – a warhead 600 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.

213. The Choice Is Ours

214. The Crisis of Civilization

215. Counter Intelligence: A 5 Part series by Metanoia

216. The Act of Killing

217. I Am Not Your Negro: Based on the truly remarkable writings of James Baldwin

218: Noam Chomsky vs William Buckley on Firingline

219. James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley (1965)

220. Cave of Forgotten Dreams

221. Codes of Gender: Fascinating look at our ideas of gender and how they are shaped (or misshaped) by advertisers and the projections on the walls of our cyber cave. based on the work of sociologist Erving Goffman.

  222. In Defense of Food. Michal Pollan, author of Ominivore's dilemma, presents the argument about why our food is a problem. My take on it is this: our food is a perfect reflection of our culture and especially our economic model; one that basically maximizes profits by creating addicts to a product that companies are only ever incentivized to make ever more cheaply. And that means making food that lasts longer for cheaper. And that means processing it more and more, adding more and more chemical preservatives, and removing all of the parts that cause food to go bad sooner, which just happen to be the same parts that contain most of the vitamins and nutrients.

223: Rachel Carson: 
When Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was published in 1962, the book became a phenomenon. A passionate and eloquent warning about the long-term dangers of pesticides, the book unleashed an extraordinary national debate and was greeted by vigorous attacks from the chemical industry. But it would also inspire President John F. Kennedy to launch the first-ever investigation into the public health effects of pesticides — an investigation that would eventually result in new laws governing the regulation of these deadly agents.

224: Kymatica: 

225. KILLING PRIVATE KRAUT - How Saving Private Ryan promotes war crimes - film analysis 
from Collative Learning 

226. Paragraph 175: How homosexuals were treated in Nazi Germany, which is very similar to how the Religious Right seeks to treat them in America today. 

227. Taxi to the Dark Side

228. Our Chemical Lives

 229. Subconscious War -
Subconscious War is a short documentary detailing the impact of media and the culture of violence on the everyday life, and the development of the common principles in society. The film analyzes the works of Aldous Huxley and Neil Postman's hopeless judgments; relating the ideas of pieces such as 'Brave New World' and 'Amusing Ourselves to Death' to the momentary cultural values that promote the corporate media saturation, games, television, and the extensive technoculture.

230. War By Other Means (1992) John Pilger - about how the banks operate like the second debt collector in the Parable of the Debt Collectors.

231. Plutocracy III: Class War

232. Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood

233. Abolishing Capitalism - At some point, someone was the first person to ask if slavery in America was really constitutional, or even moral, and suggest that it should probably be abolished. And those who ask the same question of capitalism today, since capitalism is simply a system of debt enslavement (no matter how many new forms of entertainment  it can provide to hide this fact), may one day lead humanity to look back upon today and wonder how we had failed  to realize that the Civil War was fought to end only one form of slavery, which held people in bondage with chains of iron, so that  capitalism could enslave us all equally with invisible chains of debt; or how so many people who called themselves "Christians"not only worshiped an economic "golden calf" in their beliefs about "free markets," they had become the new "Hebrews slaves" of the Old Testament, by willingly working, in nearly everything they do, even in using the toilet, to build the pyramids of wealth  their financial pharaohs demand; or even to see how much their own Christian church had surpassed the Sanhedrin in it's refusal to understand the meaning of Christ, especially his admonishment that "the law was made to sere man, not man to sere the law, and for the very same reason - to defend  its power.

234. Murder by Proxy - how mass shootings started, and why they are symptomatic of the economy overall.

235. Royal Babylon -  an investigative poem about the criminal record of the British Monarchy. Heathcote Williams has devised a form of polemical poetry that is unique, no-holds-barred personal and political. It is a great collection of facts that most people are unaware of.

236. Stare into the lights my pretties

237. Race The Power of an Illusion

238. The Minds of Men



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