There are millions of Pro Life Christians who genuinely have their hearts in the right place. They really want to protect what they believe are "babies" from being "murdered," as they see it. Obviously, people debate this issue a great deal, but there is no doubt that the vast majority of the people who identify as "pro-life" really want to do the "right thing," and more importantly, they want to "protect life."
That's why it's so ironic that they support a pro-Corporate party that only support pro-death polices.
When their own children start dying a decade from now, because Trump shuttered the EPA and companies were allowed to do to all of the water in the US what has happened in Flint, Michigan, of course the "pro lifers" will blame Democrats, homosexuals, atheists, socialists, and all the usual suspects.
Whenever things go wrong in the environment, for example, it's never because people voted for politicians who shut down the EPA, but because people are not pleasing God by going to church and being careful about who they have sex with, when, where, and most importantly of all, how.
But shutting off tons of financial aid to poor countries, while it will surely save money, will only result in the death of plenty of babies, both born and unborn. But that doesn't matter. The point is to be right with God. That's what matters most. Getting into heaven. That's what counts, after all.
Of course, that such "pro-lifers" chose to remain completely ignorant of the realities of environmental problems humanity is facing - and here, we are not even talking about climate change issues (since so many of them deny such an issue even exists, despite the evidence that it does) but about chemical poisoning of our water (which the world is running short of already), about astronomical extinction rates, and about the pollutions choking air and sea from a fossil fuel driven consumer economy that's swallowing the globe - is like feeling morally superior for having succeeded in helping more people to board the Titanic while trusting that God will fix the hole in the front of the ship from the iceberg.
Or, put another way, it's like congratulating yourself for saving children so they can be raised in Dachau.
That's why it's so ironic that they support a pro-Corporate party that only support pro-death polices.
When their own children start dying a decade from now, because Trump shuttered the EPA and companies were allowed to do to all of the water in the US what has happened in Flint, Michigan, of course the "pro lifers" will blame Democrats, homosexuals, atheists, socialists, and all the usual suspects.
Whenever things go wrong in the environment, for example, it's never because people voted for politicians who shut down the EPA, but because people are not pleasing God by going to church and being careful about who they have sex with, when, where, and most importantly of all, how.
But shutting off tons of financial aid to poor countries, while it will surely save money, will only result in the death of plenty of babies, both born and unborn. But that doesn't matter. The point is to be right with God. That's what matters most. Getting into heaven. That's what counts, after all.
Of course, that such "pro-lifers" chose to remain completely ignorant of the realities of environmental problems humanity is facing - and here, we are not even talking about climate change issues (since so many of them deny such an issue even exists, despite the evidence that it does) but about chemical poisoning of our water (which the world is running short of already), about astronomical extinction rates, and about the pollutions choking air and sea from a fossil fuel driven consumer economy that's swallowing the globe - is like feeling morally superior for having succeeded in helping more people to board the Titanic while trusting that God will fix the hole in the front of the ship from the iceberg.
Or, put another way, it's like congratulating yourself for saving children so they can be raised in Dachau.
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