In 1910, the obscure American writer, Wallace Wattles, wrote A New Christ. In it, he pointed out the very thing the Catholic Church has been saying all along - that "the body of Christ" is not necessarily an ethereal being beyond the veil of material existence, but in fact the human race. That's why the Bible says that when we see each other, we are looking at the "face of God." And if we really wanted to learn anything about God, (i.e. the "human race," i.e. "the body of Christ") we might discover that we are as infinite in our genetic combinations as the Christian claims God is infinite in His ability to combine those genetics in each of us uniquely.
We are not computers manufactured in a uterus to be either a Mac or a Microsoft, in other words, or simply just a male or just a female. Our genetic differences, and thus our ideas of gender and sexuality more specifically, are as unique to each of us as our own fingerprint. In fact, the neurological mapping of our mind is as unique to each of us as our fingerprint, much like our genetics as well, and thus our experience as a human being. There is not one correct way to be "human," as if there is one correct way to be a particular gender or one correct way to be sexual, or emotional, or anything else, and all others are "wrong!"
We are not cookie cut outs of Christ, despite so many "Christians" demanding we are, carried into the world through the conveyor belt of a mothers womb. And because of the universe of genetics and chromosomes that we are made of, understanding transgenderism may be the key to understanding humanity itself, especially since biologists have concluded that all of humanity started out as hermaphrodites.
As such, trying to "understand God" requires more than simply obsessing over highly ambiguous and polysemous lines of poetry, which were scribbled by countless unknown authors over thousands of years and compiled into a tome we refer to today as "the Bible," but in understanding the very biology of humanity itself. For indeed, if humanity constitutes "the body of Christ," as the Church so often insists, than the diversity of humanity is no different than the diversity of cells that populate the different organs of the human body; and if we are to understand anything at all about "God," than we must first start with learning something about ourselves, no matter how uncomfortable such self exploration may be.
But rather than do this, most Christians obsess singularly on an ancient and antiquated book of "ideas" about God, rather than looking at "God" (i.e. humanity) himself. This is like a person who ignores what their body is telling them because they are too obsessed with the perfection of their own soul, as if flesh is temporary but thoughts are eternal. Like Narcissus, this is an invitation to fall desperately in love with the reflection of our own ideals about what we "think" it means to be human, by ignoring the infinite diversity of humanity that surrounds us.
Like the drowning man who prays ceaselessly for God to save him, but repeatedly ignores the boat, the submarine and the helicopter that show up and offer to actually save him, we would rather drown for our "beliefs" about God, rather than accept the "truth" God has sent us. The boat, submarine and helicopter, in other words, are the "evidence" that we choose to ignore at our own peril, out of a preference for "believing" we understand the "truth" about God by ignoring what science has to say about humanity, and choosing instead to simply "pray" our way to understanding everything there is to understand.
And in this way, we willingly crucify "the body of Christ" (by condemning anyone who fails to live up to our ideals about what it means to be as super human as a "Holy Christ") by falling in love with an idealized fantasy of infinite human perfection.
We are not computers manufactured in a uterus to be either a Mac or a Microsoft, in other words, or simply just a male or just a female. Our genetic differences, and thus our ideas of gender and sexuality more specifically, are as unique to each of us as our own fingerprint. In fact, the neurological mapping of our mind is as unique to each of us as our fingerprint, much like our genetics as well, and thus our experience as a human being. There is not one correct way to be "human," as if there is one correct way to be a particular gender or one correct way to be sexual, or emotional, or anything else, and all others are "wrong!"
We are not cookie cut outs of Christ, despite so many "Christians" demanding we are, carried into the world through the conveyor belt of a mothers womb. And because of the universe of genetics and chromosomes that we are made of, understanding transgenderism may be the key to understanding humanity itself, especially since biologists have concluded that all of humanity started out as hermaphrodites.
As such, trying to "understand God" requires more than simply obsessing over highly ambiguous and polysemous lines of poetry, which were scribbled by countless unknown authors over thousands of years and compiled into a tome we refer to today as "the Bible," but in understanding the very biology of humanity itself. For indeed, if humanity constitutes "the body of Christ," as the Church so often insists, than the diversity of humanity is no different than the diversity of cells that populate the different organs of the human body; and if we are to understand anything at all about "God," than we must first start with learning something about ourselves, no matter how uncomfortable such self exploration may be.
But rather than do this, most Christians obsess singularly on an ancient and antiquated book of "ideas" about God, rather than looking at "God" (i.e. humanity) himself. This is like a person who ignores what their body is telling them because they are too obsessed with the perfection of their own soul, as if flesh is temporary but thoughts are eternal. Like Narcissus, this is an invitation to fall desperately in love with the reflection of our own ideals about what we "think" it means to be human, by ignoring the infinite diversity of humanity that surrounds us.
Like the drowning man who prays ceaselessly for God to save him, but repeatedly ignores the boat, the submarine and the helicopter that show up and offer to actually save him, we would rather drown for our "beliefs" about God, rather than accept the "truth" God has sent us. The boat, submarine and helicopter, in other words, are the "evidence" that we choose to ignore at our own peril, out of a preference for "believing" we understand the "truth" about God by ignoring what science has to say about humanity, and choosing instead to simply "pray" our way to understanding everything there is to understand.
And in this way, we willingly crucify "the body of Christ" (by condemning anyone who fails to live up to our ideals about what it means to be as super human as a "Holy Christ") by falling in love with an idealized fantasy of infinite human perfection.
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