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Why Ben Shapiro is Wrong About Transgenderism

"Professing themselves wise they have become FOOLS."
Romans 1:22

Here's why the Conservative flame thrower Ben Shapiro is wrong about Transgenderism

The former Brietbart News columnist, who later turned on the pro-Trump line the publication had taken under Steve Bannon, warned against “humoring the delusions” of transgender people, because by doing that “you are exacerbating their mental illness.”

SHAPIRO: "No. Gender is not disconnected from sex" and "I’m not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjective sense of what you are. The idea that sex or gender is malleable is not true."

ANSWER: False.  The idea that gender is disconnected from sex can go either way. First, because both the "mind-body" problem posed in philosophy and the "free will" concept of religion establishes the fact that we cannot know for certain what the connection is between our gender and our genetics on the one hand, nor is there any basis for supporting the claim that a person's idea of "gender" must necessarily always be dictated by the external appearance of their genitals, even if on an internal and biological level, they are more of the opposite sex.

SHAPIRO: “Biology is biology; men can’t magically become women, and women can’t magically become men.”

ANSWER: False. Here, Shapiro engages in the Omniscience Fallacy where he presents himself as being "omniscient" about the biology of every single person who has, or ever will, identify as transgendered. In truth, Shapiro is only preying on the ignorance of his audience by hiding from them (and perhaps even himself) the fact that "intersexed people" (who are born with both male and female genitalia) as well as those born are a result of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome,  Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Ovotestis, and Klinefelter Syndrome, are all examples of how "biology" proves that neither sex nor gender is simply as binary as Shapiro pretends they are.

Many of these conditions do not automatically produce a person who is all one sex or the other. Even a fetus takes 6 weeks to "magically become" a man or woman. And for the conditions mentioned above, it can take until puberty or later before some "men" may discover that they are menstruating, because they have "magically" become a "woman," internally.
Hence Shapiro pretending to understand "biology" and transgenderism in this way, while ignoring these scientific facts about sex and gender, is like an atheist claiming to understand Judaism and Christianity by completely ignoring the Bible, both the Old and New Testament.

And although Dissociative Identity Disorder is not related to transgenderism, the fact that people suffering from DID - which is a disorder where people suffer from multiple personalities - have been known to change their basic physiology in accord with their beliefs, like their eye colors or whether they are color blind or not, or whether they have allergies or not. The point being that people with DID demonstrate that people can, in fact, change their biology to some degree at least, contrary to what Shapiro suggests. 

SHAPIRO:  "“Transgender people are unfortunately suffering from a delusion" and a "significant mental illness that is deeply harmful, and it’s not a solution to pretend that transgender people are the sex that they think they are in their head.”

ANSWER: False, but it wouldn't matter even if it were true. There is no proof that such people are necessarily suffering from "mental illness," especially when you consider the opioid epidemic currently plaguing the United States because of the proliferation of "mental illness" marketed by Big Pharma. And even if we accept the idea that such people are, in fact, suffering from "mental illness," it is not as if they are running around starting holy wars, flying planes into buildings, or engaging in genocide because their imaginary sky-dad tells them too in the same way the neighbors dog told the Son of Sam killer David Berkowtiz to go out and kill couples in cars.

And when you consider the amount of violence done to transgender people today by people who hold the exact same views about gender as Shapiro, often because of their "religious" convictions, it seems the world would be a far, far better place if more people where suffering from the "mental illness" of transgenderism than all of the perfectly 'normal' people who rely on religion as their guide for divining everything they need to know about gender to "love thy neighbor."

In the 18th century, for example, people who believed in an imaginary God concluded that people who believed they were covered in imaginary spiders needed to be institutionalized to protect society, even though the latter had never hurt a fly, while the former was burning thousands of people at the stake. 

Religion, therefore, is a much, much, deadlier "delusion" and "mental illness" if "by their fruits we shall know" the truth about an idea, considering the orgies of death and the amount of bloodshed spilled for the delusion of Shapiro's religion alone. He must forget Deuteronomy, when his own people boasted as if they were family members from Charles Manson after the murders they engaged in:

“I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” [ii]
And this..

“[I]n the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them — the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites — as the LORD your God has commanded you. Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 20:16-18

“Transgender people are unfortunately suffering from a significant mental illness that is deeply harmful, and it’s not a solution to pretend that transgender people are the sex that they think they are in their head,” Shapiro said in the Monday speech. “Biology is biology; men can’t magically become women, and women can’t magically become men.”Read more:

And when you consider how Shapiro ignores the actual scientific evidence that proves he is wrong on the one hand, and that his own religion offers very little for his own religious ideas about "gender," it seems the world would be far better if more people suffered from the "delusion" of transgenderism than of religion.

SHAPIRO: No. Why aren’t you 60? Why aren’t you 60? Why can’t you identify as 60? What is the problem with you identifying as 60?
Shapiro: You can’t legally change your age, by the way.

ANSWER: Conflating apples and oranges. Here, Shapiro does with age the same thing he is doing with gender. For Shapiro, everything is discernible by it's external attributes, even though both gender and even "age" may have internal genetic properties that demonstrate how, on a microbiological level, we do not all fit perfectly into the boxes that Shapiro thinks the world can be neatly segregated.

In the same way that a person may have the genitals of one sex but the internal organs and/or genetics of the opposite sex (which would prove that, even if gender is tied directly to our biology, even our biology is not as black-and-white as Shapiro falsely claims), so people who may age by the same clock as everyone else externally, may age in "dog years" internally on a genetic level. Take the genetic disorder known as "progeria" for example.

According to Wikipedia:
Progeria is an extremely rare genetic disorder in which symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age.[5] Progeria is one of several progeroid syndromes.[6] Those born with progeria typically live to their mid teens to early twenties.[7][8] It is a genetic condition that occurs as a new mutation, and is rarely inherited, as carriers usually do not live to reproduce. Although the term progeria applies strictly speaking to all diseases characterized by premature aging symptoms, and is often used as such, it is often applied specifically in reference to Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS).

Again, the fact that we can age more rapidly on a genetic level than we do as a measure of general time parallels the idea that our sex (and therefore gender) genetics internally may be the very opposite of what they appear to be to the world externally. Hence, even in his comparison with age, Shapiro FAILS.


The former Brietbart News columnist, who later turned on the pro-Trump line the publication had taken under Steve Bannon, warned against “humoring the delusions” of transgender people, because by doing that “you are exacerbating their mental illness.”Read more:
The former Brietbart News columnist, who later turned on the pro-Trump line the publication had taken under Steve Bannon, warned against “humoring the delusions” of transgender people, because by doing that “you are exacerbating their mental illness.”Read more:
The former Brietbart News columnist, who later turned on the pro-Trump line the publication had taken under Steve Bannon, warned against “humoring the delusions” of transgender people, because by doing that “you are exacerbating their mental illness.”Read more:


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