What is universal to all humans is not reason or religions, not beliefs or ideas about morality, God, or the hereafter, or anything else. What is universal to all humans, of every time and place, are emotions. Indeed, emotions even connect us to nearly all other species of life in the world. What is universal to all humans, in other words, is our happiness and our sadness, our surprise and our disgust, our fear and our anger. Yet while these emotions are universal to all, what triggers each and every one of them is different for every single person. Or simply put, emotions are objective realities for everyone, at least on some level, while "reason" assigns emotional values that are purely subjective to each individual. The different narratives we tell ourselves and "believe," the stories we often cling to for our sense of meaning and identity, teach us what emotional values we should assign to different ideas, and great philosophies are then created to support ...