Our past is either our worst enemy or our greatest friend, it just depends on whether we remain at war with it or learn to live with it in peace. ...
Until we can love it, for everything it can teach us from our mistakes.
And the only commandment there is is the one we have yet to follow, even though it alone is the one we must follow for any hope of redemption, which is summed up simply as “do not repeat.”
The problem is that we practice repeating the past as a form of penance...
Penance for daring to disobey our gods, by showing them all how willing we are to obey them now, even if we have to kill each other to prove it.
And that is the basis of our morality.
Until we can love it, for everything it can teach us from our mistakes.
And the only commandment there is is the one we have yet to follow, even though it alone is the one we must follow for any hope of redemption, which is summed up simply as “do not repeat.”
The problem is that we practice repeating the past as a form of penance...
Penance for daring to disobey our gods, by showing them all how willing we are to obey them now, even if we have to kill each other to prove it.
And that is the basis of our morality.
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