A world that runs on money is a world that runs contrary to nature itself, for it must be "intelligently designed" with the ruthless philosophy of Machiavelli's prince, the pseudo science of Herbert Spencer's "survival of the fittest," and the singular ever-growing obsession for profit at all costs and above all else, by Goldman Sachs.
This trinity of "wise men," it should be noted, are either works of fiction, or the sole appetite of a fictional person.
And by structuring an economy where money "trickles down" to those who have less, like manna raining down from Heaven or crumbs for Lazarus from a rich man's table - both of which are seen to be equally "miraculous" in their respective spheres, and thus demonstrative of one's "favored" status by one god or another - we come to worship it like Yahweh, Jesus, and the golden calf.
It also bedecks the world with ornamentation to hide the fact that the lap of luxury is a barren wasteland of wisdom.
This trinity of "wise men," it should be noted, are either works of fiction, or the sole appetite of a fictional person.
And by structuring an economy where money "trickles down" to those who have less, like manna raining down from Heaven or crumbs for Lazarus from a rich man's table - both of which are seen to be equally "miraculous" in their respective spheres, and thus demonstrative of one's "favored" status by one god or another - we come to worship it like Yahweh, Jesus, and the golden calf.
It also bedecks the world with ornamentation to hide the fact that the lap of luxury is a barren wasteland of wisdom.
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