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Showing posts from May, 2019

religion is a refusal to evole

Most people look at the world and choose to believe it is the very best version we as a species could collectively come up with, despite all of its warts and problems, given human limitations. We've figured out a way to kill everyone in the world a thousand times over, and often acted to do just that, but haven't once discovered a way to ensure everyone in the world has enough to eat. It's not that we have not developed the technical means to do ensure they do, but that we have not bothered to create a political method by which to implement such means. This is not evidence of our limitations, despite what people are led to believe, but of what our attention has mostly been focused on: making money. And we do this, always in the name of some nation, religion, or god, which always claim to represent the apogee of peace and love even as they alone encourage and require us to go to war, for they are all simply man made institutions or "gods" running roughshod...

the hubris of humilty

How can God be "the greatest god ever" if he is in fact the only God there is or ever was? God, in other words, is incomparable, because the only thing that God can and ever has been compared to is homo sapiens. And that is because the only God homo sapiens worship, is themselves. But religious people nevertheless insist that their "God" created homo sapiens in his image, rather than the other way around. And they also insist that, however much this perspective convinces them they have the right to treat all the other species of the planet anyway they see fit - turning the planet into an earthly Auschwitz toxic to every form of life on the planet, including our own - such a belief is the ultimate act of humility; and to disagree with this, is the ultimate act of hubris.  

This Is Us

Christians claim that the wrong ideas can make people do the most sinful and evil things. But as Blaise Pascal, the french mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Catholic theologian put it so astutely, " Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."  This truism, which has been demonstrated quite well throughout history, would make religion qualify as perhaps the most "wrong idea" humanity has ever come up with, to everyone but those who believe in religion, of course. It just so happens that it is precisely because people believe in the ultimate righteousness of their religions - be they be made of gods, governments, or gold (which are all really three sides of the same thing, when you think about it) -  that men can be made to "do evil so completely and so cheerfully." Indeed, if the devil was even only a fraction as clever as his reputation suggests, he would have figured out that the bes...

Understanding Prayers & Miracles

Praying to God is the belief that the most powerful manufacturer imaginable is utterly powerless to fix anything at all until enough people praise that manufacturer as the greatest manufacturer ever - even if it is the only manufacturer there ever was, is, or will be. And a miracle is when that manufacturer finally decides to fix anything, even though the only fixes that said manufacturer ever bothers to make are necessarily the very least it could ever possibly do. In fact, so rare is it that said "miracle" occurs, that a person is far more likely to win the lottery a hundred times in a row, and be struck by lighting each time, and survive unscathed.

the veils of maya

Regardless of whatever god or gods may exist anywhere else, there are essentially only two kinds of "Gods” (for lack of a better term) operating in this world, in the exact same way there are two kinds of people in this world. The two kinds of people in the world are humankind and the corporate-kind, of which theistic religion is the corporate kind. The corporate-kind of person is a legal-fictional person that has all the rights of people and all the powers of gods. In fact, one is the monster created by the other, with the former always finding ways to crucify itself in service of the latter. And the struggle humanity has been forever engaged in is between these two kinds of people, of which the latter is treated like divine royalty and the former like Rosa Parks; or as St. Augustine put it, one is hailed as a King for doing with an armada what the is condemned as a pirate for doing with a single ship. In religious terms it is the differences between the gods we imagine and...
The more people are trained and taught to act and think like a computer, one that venerates a binary perspective of rights and wrongs, the more like an animal they will desire to be, and vice versa.
Star Wars is about a Jesus-like figure named Luke Skywalker battling a futuristic pope, from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, dressed in cape like Dracula with a black papal tiara turned upside down and worn as a mask.
Telling your Christian friends that you're an atheist is to "come-out of the closet" of one's spiritually, to people who prefer to live in caves and worship the flickering images on the wall.

Pornography & Religion: Two Sides of the Same Deception

Pornography is used in a society for the same reason that religion is used in a society. Both are forms of lust: one physical and the other spiritual. And both are simply means of managing people, one with the pleasures of the flesh and the other with the pleasures of faith. Both are equally as seductive in the ideas they offer, since the physical lust that seduces the body is no less potent a drug than the spiritual lust that seduces the mind. In fact, that spiritual lust for perfection through the mind is today doing far more damage through the pseudo-scientific religions of economics and politics and race, than Christianity ever did through its pseudo-spiritualism. Indeed, the new religions and the new gods are doing it even more effectively than the old religions and gods, of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans: that trinity of mythologies that seduced the minds of Europe with the apple of Christianity. Religion is used to convince people that things are "true" if you s...
Christianity is simply the denial of objective reality. "For the Bible tells me so...." Christians claim to believe in the existence of a benevolent God, and that the Bible is his holy word. But the objective truth about the Bible, clearly, is that it simply and only describes a murderous bloodthirsty monster of a God, that is most definitely NOT the kind of God the Christian claims. But the Christian doesn't care what the Bible says in fact, they only care what they "believe" it says, "in faith."