Most people look at the world and choose to believe it is the very best version we as a species could collectively come up with, despite all of its warts and problems, given human limitations.
We've figured out a way to kill everyone in the world a thousand times over, and often acted to do just that, but haven't once discovered a way to ensure everyone in the world has enough to eat. It's not that we have not developed the technical means to do ensure they do, but that we have not bothered to create a political method by which to implement such means.
This is not evidence of our limitations, despite what people are led to believe, but of what our attention has mostly been focused on: making money. And we do this, always in the name of some nation, religion, or god, which always claim to represent the apogee of peace and love even as they alone encourage and require us to go to war, for they are all simply man made institutions or "gods" running roughshod over the world looking to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone and everything else.
I look at the world and the systems we have created and think it is perfect evidence of a species who uses its cleverness mostely to come up with ways of refusing to evolve, despite the unmitigated suffering such a refusal creates, and then calls that refusal "enlightenment," worships it as sacred tradition, and calls all future generations to practice it as their most sacred religion.
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