Christianity is based on the belief that God designed us to behave in a way He commanded us not to behave. While He designed us with "free will" and a preference for disobedience, according to Christianity, He also commands us to only use that "free will" to obey. If we do, we go to heaven, and if we don't we go to hell.
This is like asking a dog trainer to train your dog not to obey your commands, just so you can see how much the dog really loves you through its willingness to resist its programming. And if the dog fails at this task, you douse it in gasoline and set it on fire.
And if anyone asks you why you would ever do such a thing, you insist it is because you love your dog so much that you need it to show its love and devotion to you in return. And when it fails to do so, you choose to feel so hurt by this - even though you could easily choose not to feel hurt at all, especially since this was all part of your "plan" - that you feel the only remedy is to torture the dog for all eternity.
And to the Christian, that their God can treat his human "children" the same way the hypothetical dog owner above treats his dog makes perfect sense.
Put another way, Christianity wants people to believe that the very same God that "intelligently designed" us to see in color, with a brain that has an overwhelming preference for, and can only grow by, being as both curious and creative as an artist with an unlimited number of colors at their disposal, then commands us to prove our "love" for Him by only thinking in the black and white tones of right and wrong, good and bad, as defined by a Church - the same church that put protecting its own reputation over protecting children from the pedophiles and pederasts operating within its ranks.
From this perspective, the many colored coat of Joseph reflected his ability to think outside the binary box of black and white. And the hole he was thrown into by his brothers is the hell God threatens to throw us all in for failing to obey the command to renounce our biology and follow a religion of black and white thinking, even though we are designed with a need and a preference to learn and grow the branches of our brain by committing the sin of thinking in colors.
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