"What about complex parasites? Did this designer design complex parasites or is that evolution? I mean, you get all the good things and evolutionists get all the bad things." Michael Ruse in "Resolved: That evolutionists should acknowledge creation" _Firing Line_, 4 December 1997, p. 35.
"Nor is 'naturalism' the issue when the historian employs the principle of analogy. As F.H. Bradley showed in The Presuppositions of Critical History,
no historical inference is possible unless the historian assumes a
basic analogy of past experience with present. If we do not grant this,
nothing will seem amiss in believing reports that A turned into a
werewolf or that B changed lead into gold. 'Hey, just because we don't
see it happening today doesn't prove it never did!' One could as easily
accept the historicity of Jack and the Beanstalk on the same basis, as
long as one's sole criterion of historical probability is 'anything
goes!'" Robert M. Price, "By This Time He Stinketh"
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